Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wait. Sammy Sosa Did Steroids?

NEW YORK -- Former slugger Sammy Sosa tested positive for a performance-enhancing drug in 2003, The New York Times reported Tuesday on its Web site. The Times, citing lawyers familiar with the case, reported Sosa is one of 104 players who tested positive in a 2003 baseball survey. The paper did not identify the drug. Sosa is sixth on baseball's career home run list with 609, most of them for the Chicago Cubs. He has not played in the majors since 2007 with Texas.

Am I a Sammy Sosa fan? Sure. Any guy who captures the hearts of millions across the country in a homerun race is a friend of mine. And now his critics will say that he used to the juice, that his testicles must be the size of jon adamski's balls, he was illegally enhanced. Everywhere. I say who gives a fuck. Everyone was on the juice. I was, your mother was, her mother was, her brother, and his friend. You know the fat lady who works at Dunkin Donuts on Saturday mornings? The one who always tells you to have a nice day but you know she wouldn't care if you went home and found your pet leopard at the bottom of the swimming pool. Yeah, she was sticking needles(like sellbergs tiny dick. you fat faggot) in her ass every 6 weeks too. And using steroids. The bottom line is once you start putting the credibility of an entire franchise on one player then you have to assume that the entire league was in on it. Is that fair? No. Is life fair? No. Is it fair that a goon like Adam Sandler always gets to bang the hot chick in the movie? Absolutely not. But in heaven does love come first? Yes and goddamnit we're going to make heaven a place on earth.

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