Monday, June 1, 2009

Man Arrested For Mowing Unkept Park

An Ohio man arrested for mowing unkempt grass at a public park said he just wanted to make his city look nice.John Hamilton said he took control of the situation because the grass in Sandusky's Central Park was about a foot high. According to a police report, a witness said Hamilton was blowing grass onto the sidewalk and shredding trash in the park that had not been picked up. Police said they arrested 48-year-old Hamilton after he refused to stop mowing and charged him with obstructing official business and disorderly conduct. City Manager Matt Kline called the arrest unfortunate and said he understands Hamilton's frustration. Kline said budget cuts have left Sandusky understaffed for seasonal maintenance work.

I'll tell ya something. I mean I've made every wrong choice a middle aged man can make. I pissed all my money, believe it or not. I chased off anyone who's ever loved me and lately I can't stand the face I see in the mirror. When you get old in life, things get taken from you. That's just life. But you only learn that when you start losing stuff. You find out life's this game of inches. Now what that has to do with this story, I'll leave for you to interpret. I mean you wake up every morning and you like to believe that there is hope for people like us in the world. This guy looks out at the park that hasn't been kept because of these harsh economic times and he does something about it. He's what we would call a go-getter. A real maverick. And our legal system wants to punish him? A sad day indeed. I question his use of the blower though. That's landscaping 101. You blow the grass off the sidewalk. Not on it. So who is right in this situation? Your guess is as good as mine. I cant even decide what socks I'm going to wear in the morning without worrying about the harsh ramifications. This just makes me super, super sad.

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