Saturday, June 27, 2009

Tim Wakefield Will Now Go By The Name Cy Young.

ATLANTA -- Who would've envisioned this: Tim Wakefield joining Roger Clemens in the Boston record book? The 42-year-old knuckleballer pitched six scoreless innings to beat the Atlanta Braves 1-0 Saturday, a worthy performance for the game that tied him with Clemens for the most career starts by a Red Sox pitcher."Just being mentioned with the names I'm being mentioned with is pretty cool," said Wakefield, who made his 382nd start for Boston. "I'm thankful I've been here as long as I have."

I don't wanna jump the gun here but can the MLB just fucking give us our championship rings now? I don't think you can even argue that any other team is better than the sox right now. It's like they're just playing 6 levels above everyone else. And that type of shit isn't going to stop. They have that deadly mix of veteran and young players that injects the entire team with enthusiasm accompanied by a touch of class. I call it the Jack Nicholson syndrome. I'm still debating if that even made sense. Go eat a dick. If you were gonna stand up and tell me that in June, our MVP would be Tim Wakefield, I'd tell you to slap my ass, tickle me pink and call me sally. It's like this guy just decided if he wanted to make the world a better place then he'd have to take a look at himself and make a change.

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