Sunday, June 28, 2009

Check How Mouch Your Backlink

In last post with title "Get Backlink From My Dofollow Blog". i was talk about backlink.
May be i should review for this post.

What is backlink?

Put simply, a backlink is a link from another webpage, 'back' to your page. The most valuable type of links are single inbound links, that is, a third party page has linked to your page, and you do NOT link back.An example of this might be a post to your blog that another blogger likes, and links to for their own readers to enjoy.

More backlink = Top position on search engine.

Google tries to put the most relevant pages at the top of its search results for any given search. By identifying inbound links, it uses these like a voting system to identify the most relevant pages on the assumption that the most linked to page will have the best content. Also, if a very popular site links to the page, then this is even more valuable, as a site with a lot of traffic or a high PR, is considered a 'better judge of character'... shall we say
Backlink is very important for our blog.Couse Pagerank is based on how much we have a backlink to our blog. I made simple form for check your backlink here. Just type and see the result.

How to check our backlink?
Yes. How to check our backlink. can we know that with simple way? The answer is yup. Just type your blog or site on widget check backlink on top of this post. so you will be redirected to page that show which page that give backlink to your blog.

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