Monday, June 29, 2009

Nick Green Is Banging Heidi Watney.

That NESN hottie Heidi Watney and Red Sox [team stats] shortstud Nick Green were looking ever-so-cozy at Tim Wakefield [stats] and Jason Varitek [stats]’s recent Pitching in for Kids event. Later that week they were rather chummy over filet mignon and baked stuffed lobster at the Capital Grille . But Nick recently told a pal that the two are not an item.

Uhhhmmm. I'm starting to think Watney is a little but slutty. I thought she was porkin it with Varitek and that's why he was the hottest divorcee in Brookline. But then Nick Green swoops in and plucks her off that pussy plank at Varitek's charity event. I think I know what my guys we're talking about in the locker room the next day. I really don't know why I ever had a problem with Nick Green in the first place. He's everything I love in a man. Goodlooking? Check. The annual underdog? Uhm yes. Carries around a tenacious work ethic? That's what tito says and he's not one to lie. This motherfucker even rocks #22. The infamous deuce-deuce. I believe I also owned that digit on my back for a couple years until James Beddingfield moved to places unknown. The only thing missing is an out of control temper and foul mouth. Then we would have uhhmmmmmm me.

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