Sunday, June 28, 2009

USA Loses 3-2. Is Everything Made To Be Broken?

JOHANNESBURG (AP) -- Clint Dempsey sobbed as the Americans walked up to get their second-place medals, unable to hide the pain and the disappointment any longer. The euphoria of knocking off Spain last week dissolved Sunday in the Confederations Cup final when Brazil unleashed its "Beautiful Game." After dominating the five-time World Cup champions in the first half, the Americans were powerless as Brazil scored three goals in the final 45 minutes to rally for a 3-2 win. "We're at the point where we don't want respect, we want to win," said Landon Donovan, whose goal in the 27th minute gave the United States a 2-0 lead. "There's no guarantee we ever get back to a final game like this, so it's disappointing."

Let me say this. I don't think I've ever had my heart ripped out and stomped on like today. I guess it's true. It always rains like hell on the losers day parade. I mean first Billy Mays dies and then our chance to shock the world fades to black as well. I just can't hide the tears anymore. I put too much love and energy into this team. To go up 2-0 in the first half on a world power like Brazil brought back feelings of Lexington and Concord. Get out your history books bitches cause Paul Revere aint comin' back to tell this story. Here we were again, the underdog USA fighting with nothing but grit and determination. And for what? Because we felt like we were finally owed something. But faster than Donahue ejaculates into his boyfriends ass, it was gone. Our glimpse of hope of what could have been completely shot down. We could sit here and play the 'what if' game for the next 30 minutes but it wont get us anywhere. I know. I did it for the Patriots Superbowl 2 years ago and this year with the KG injury. It just leads you down a long, dark, and lonely road. The bottom line is this. In 2 year no one will remember this game. No one fucking cares about who gets 2nd place. Story of my life. I just don't know what to do at this point. It's like when you see someone you don't really know, but you know that someone in the family died. Like do you keep going on with your conversation at the party? Do you approach them and just kill your buzz? Or do you just talk to them like nothing happened and you were oblivious to the whole ordeal? It's a very complicated situation and all the while you're just wondering if we're ever gonna get hopped up enough to make some bad decisions.

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