Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Get Backlink From My Dofollow Blog

My Blog is Dofollow Blog. For almost bloggers may be was understand what is dofollow. Let flashback for a minute, may be one of bloggers does not know what is dofollow.

What is Dofollow?

Taken from Squidoo, the definition of dofollow is simply an internet slang term given to web pages or sites that are not utilizing NoFollow. NoFollow is a hyperlink inclusion that tells search engines not to pass on any credibility or influence to an outbound link. Originally created to help the blogging community reduce the number of inserted links into a "comment" area of a blog page, the attribute is typically standard in blog comments. It helps overwhelmed webmasters disallow spammers from gaining any kind of advantage by inserting an unwanted link on a popular page.

How to know a blog is dofollow blog?

Simple way to know dofollow blog is by take a look page source. And then find the word "nofollow". If you found its mean nofollow blog. but if not its mean Dofollow blog. This statement i take from Check out my blog. I was remove rel='nofollow'.

What is the benefit My Dofollow Blog for You.

Dofollow blog automaticly give a backlink to your site when you post a comment on this blog. Backlinks are incredibly important to you if you want your website or blog to appear in the high search result positions for any of the Search Engines. It is now common knowledge that backlinks are a method for assessing the 'value' of the webpage being indexed.

What is backlink?

Put simply, a backlink is a link from another webpage, 'back' to your page. The most valuable type of links are single inbound links, that is, a third party page has linked to your page, and you do NOT link back.An example of this might be a post to your blog that another blogger likes, and links to for their own readers to enjoy.

More backlink = Top position on search engine.

Google tries to put the most relevant pages at the top of its search results for any given search. By identifying inbound links, it uses these like a voting system to identify the most relevant pages on the assumption that the most linked to page will have the best content. Also, if a very popular site links to the page, then this is even more valuable, as a site with a lot of traffic or a high PR, is considered a 'better judge of character'... shall we say

So commenting on my blog. Get the backlink. But please do not a spam.

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