Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Megan Fox Likes Her Weed.

The Transformers actress admits to GQ that she would be the "first person in line to buy a pack of joints" and that she has no idea why it still has a stigma attached to it. "I can't tell you how much bullshit I've been through because I will openly say that I smoke weed…People look at it like it's this crazy, hippy, fucked up thing to do. And it's not. I hope they legalize it."

Listen, I got no problem with smoking weed and I have no problem with hot bitches. But I do have a problem with babes who like their greenery and I have a real fucking problem(no, I don't have a "fucking" problem. yet) with anyone who talks like their shit don't stink. You can let up with the whole badass look you little bitch. Unless you go out and bring the noise everyday of your life then you should know your role and shut your mouth. I'll tell ya what. This might come as a shock to people but I don't really see what all the fuss is about with this Megan Fox broad. Sure, she has some sex appeal and yada, yada, yada. She just looks mean and excuse me if I'm a fan of nice girls. Thats a dying breed in todays generation and it's absolutely saddening. I couldn't take this girl home to meet mother and thats the final straw for me. You wanna walk around like a slut then be my guest but don't expect to be my wedding date. Would I hit it? Yes. Would I beat the shit out her? Probably. Would I win the fight? Doubtful.

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