Friday, June 12, 2009

Mark it Down. June 15th. Stand Up and Be a Man Day.

Two Indiana men have declared Monday "National Man Day" only to find there's already a romantic holiday that falls on that date. Nineteen-year-old Joel Longanecker of Celestine and his 26-year-old brother Aaron, of Indianapolis, have for months been rallying thousands to their masculine cause on Facebook. More than 260,000 people have pledged to "stand up and do manly things" on Man Day. But it turns out June 15 is also "Sneak a Kiss Day," a day for sweethearts to steal smooches from their sweeties. The Man Day organizers urge participants to take part in "manly" activities such as football, hunting or watching Rocky movies. They claim real men don't "sneak" kisses.

This is where Barack Obama stamps his name in American history. The entire way we view his presidency will depend on this decision. Is it be a man day or sneak a kiss day? What's the protocol for sneaking a kiss? Cause where I come from, you might be charged with sexual assault. You can ask Kobe about that. Or Dan Donahue. However, for Donahue she must be from Bristol and under the age of 12. Just one of his pet peaves, he says. This has gone too far. I don't love the idea of be a man day. In fact, I think it's almost unmanly(word?) to have to declare a day for yourself.I have no reason to watch Rocky because every moment of my life I am playing the theme music in my head. A real man doesn't need a special holiday to display his brutality. No, a man wakes up, claps his hands, and says it's gonna be a great day regardless of the weather. I don't need some middle america sissys to tell me to drink beer, watch the departed, cheer on the sox, mow some lawns, get paid, not comb my hair, turn on some DAC then go to bed. That's called a Tuesday for guys like Ed Hochuli and myself.

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