Thursday, June 11, 2009

$131.6 Million For Pansy Boy?

Manchester United have accepted an £80m ($131.6m or €93.9m) offer from Real Madrid for Cristiano Ronaldo. A statement on the United website confirmed that a deal for the 24-year-old should be completed by the end of the month. ''Manchester United have received a world-record, unconditional offer of £80m for Cristiano Ronaldo from Real Madrid. ''At Cristiano's request - who has again expressed his desire to leave - and after discussion with the player's representatives, United have agreed to give Real Madrid permission to talk to the player.

Greatest player in the world? Sure. I mean I still prefer me ome American bred talents such a Clint Dempsey or even my man Ronaldinho but you can't ignore vagina's like Cristiano. I respect him to a certain extent. What I'm saying is in the war of the blacks against the whites, I feel pretty confident going toe to toe with someone of Cristiano's stature. I don't care how much money he makes or how many guys he has sex with. This isn't the days of Alexander the Great man. Your army might frown upon you galavanting into the night with your bestfriend/lover who looks similar to Adam Lambert.

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