Friday, June 12, 2009

Paris Hilton(slut) and Cristiano(fag)?

PARIS HILTON dumped baseball player boyfriend DOUG REINHARDT, so there would be no hard feelings when she started making moves on soccer stud CRISTIANO RONALDO. Hilton and her sister Nicky attended a party at Hollywood hotspot MyHouse on Wednesday night (10Jun09) - just a day after the socialite confirmed reports her six-month romance with Reinhardt was over. And now photos taken inside the club, and obtained by, suggest Hilton has already moved on to a new man. Cameras caught her whispering, kissing and cuddling the smiling Manchester United goal scorer. Hilton left the club with her sister but reports suggest she was joined by the soccer star later in the night. Clubbers tell the website, "He (Ronaldo) couldn't keep his hands off her."

I guess I'm gonna shock some more people today with my words. I don't think Paris Hilton is hot. Never have, never will. I do think Cristiano Ronaldo is a good lookin chap though. I didn't know he could even speak english. I actually don't think he can. So if this doesn't cry out what a no-talent whore Paris Hilton is then I don't know what will. What a fucking gold digger. No way that bitch doesn't know that Cristiano is about 12 hours removed from playing the key role in one of the richest soccer deals in history. And why the fuck is this guy in Hollywood? You're going to moving from Manchester to Spain and the place you pick to celebrate is LA? Really? Sorry bro, in this country we care abour real athletes.

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