Sunday, April 10, 2011


I swear he had this thing won after the eagle on #8 and we were all gonna go out tonight and party like it was 2005 again. But I kinda feel like he did win in a way. All these young guys like Rory run around and talk shit for an entire year about how they're not afraid of the big bad Tiger anymore then he climbs out of his cage, lets out a roar and what happens? Rory shits his pants and then some. That triple bogey was a work of art, bro. It's like when I take a week off from the blog and tips4tits or BJD tries to take the spotlight away from the king like I'm retired or something. I'm forced to put my big boy pants on and remind everyone who the original godfather of blogging is. I'm not going anywhere and neither is Tiger.

And no, I didn't want Tiger to win because he bangs skanks on the reg. I wanted Tiger to win because no motherfucker on tour works harder than that guy and nobody deserves to win more than him and that's the truth.  You can come up with a thousand reasons why he's a bad father/husband/person but none of that shit matters when it comes to sports. MJ is a shitty dude too and everybody still sucks his dick to get an interview.

P.S. Charl Schwartzel? I hate white South Africans. They're just gross people. I mean that. History doesn't speak well for these people.

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