Friday, April 8, 2011

Elf Ears on Good Morning America

elf ears good morning america spock video
What is it with Good Morning America and awesome stories lately? Who would have thought that a bunch of people in their 50s would be able to break stories we would want to hear about (pun intended!)?

I like to use "really" or "reeaalllllyyy" a lot but after watching this video we should apply for this new spelling into next years Merriam-Webster dictionary. REEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLYYY?!? There's so many cliche jokes to be made right now. Easy Legolas, this isn't Middle-Earth. Okay, I admit, that was elementary. Hey Will Ferrell, Aunt Jemima wants her syrup back. Alright, that one was better, I admit it.

But seriously, what kind of parents let their kids/pay for their kids to get this procedure done. This helps no one. You might as well just let your daughters get fake tits and avoid the awkward trip to the therapist where they have to lie about the cut marks on their wrist. If our society has taught me anything it's that with fake boobs you can be a reality TV star.

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