Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The only reason to watch women's tennis

Serena Williams. That is all.

eGamer - Premium Wordpress Theme For Free

eGamer was designed with video game blogs in mind, however, it can certainly be adapted to any niche. This theme contains advanced features, including a custom author review system, video embedding (from video sites such as youtube), thumbnail resizing, and more. eGamer also gives users control over many of the themes functions, making the banner ads, recent reviews section, recent video section, popular/random articles section, and post-page thumbnails optional. You can also choose between the default magazine style layout and a more basic blog style design.

Live Demo Click Here


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Live Demo Click here

ePhoto Full Package (1.66 MB) updated 2009.6.29


Monday, June 29, 2009

Nick Green Is Banging Heidi Watney.

That NESN hottie Heidi Watney and Red Sox [team stats] shortstud Nick Green were looking ever-so-cozy at Tim Wakefield [stats] and Jason Varitek [stats]’s recent Pitching in for Kids event. Later that week they were rather chummy over filet mignon and baked stuffed lobster at the Capital Grille . But Nick recently told a pal that the two are not an item.

Uhhhmmm. I'm starting to think Watney is a little but slutty. I thought she was porkin it with Varitek and that's why he was the hottest divorcee in Brookline. But then Nick Green swoops in and plucks her off that pussy plank at Varitek's charity event. I think I know what my guys we're talking about in the locker room the next day. I really don't know why I ever had a problem with Nick Green in the first place. He's everything I love in a man. Goodlooking? Check. The annual underdog? Uhm yes. Carries around a tenacious work ethic? That's what tito says and he's not one to lie. This motherfucker even rocks #22. The infamous deuce-deuce. I believe I also owned that digit on my back for a couple years until James Beddingfield moved to places unknown. The only thing missing is an out of control temper and foul mouth. Then we would have uhhmmmmmm me.

Link Exchange With Dofollow Blog Here

Thanks for anyone who was come to my personal blog. My objection is try to give the best thing for you. Although all my posting not meaningfull may be. As i said that this is a dofollow blog. So you will get backlink automaticly when we exchange a link and when you commenting here for my post.

  1. Rizkythea
  2. Indra Diki
  3. Boku No Blog
  4. Nge Review
  5. Your Link Here
  6. Your Link Here
  7. Your Link Here
  8. Your Link Here
  9. Your Link Here
  10. Your Link Here
  11. Your Link Here

  1. Your Link Here
  2. Your Link Here
  3. Your Link Here
  4. Your Link Here
  5. Your Link Here
  6. Your Link Here
  7. Your Link Here
  8. Your Link Here
  9. Your Link Here
  10. Your Link Here
  11. Your Link Here

  1. Your Link Here
  2. Your Link Here
  3. Your Link Here
  4. Your Link Here
  5. Your Link Here
  6. Your Link Here
  7. Your Link Here
  8. Your Link Here
  9. Your Link Here
  10. Your Link Here
  11. Your Link Here
Put link to my blog at your blog. Write your link at comment area and i ll post in my list link exchange.Nice to make a relation with all blogger over the world

Bear Falls From Tree. Breaks Trampoline. So Long, Sweet Summer.

A black bear that wandered into a Highlands Ranch neighborhood has been tranquilized and moved to the foothills. A resident on Ramshead Court heard dogs barking about 9 a.m. Friday, so he glanced out the window and thought that a big tree branch had broken, reported KMGH-TV in Denver."Then I started focusing and saw a big bear claw. And then I called neighbors and told them to get their dogs in and their kids because we have a lot of kids in the cul-de-sac," Rod Michotte said."I heard the panic in his voice. I kind of panicked and I thought, 'What's going on?' And he said, 'Look out the window! There's a bear in the tree!" said next-door neighbor Diana Navo. "Kids aren't happy. It broke the trampoline when he fell, but he was about 30 feet into the air. It looks like it came out alright. It's a little more excitement than I anticipated this morning," Rod Michotte said. "That's going to be a daily occurance -- checking out the yard. Maybe not me checking it out but my husband -- send him out first," Cindy Michotte said."Things like this kind of keep us on our toes and it just makes us kind of aware that wildlife is always around us and we've got to be ready for it," neighbor Michael Whitlow said.

Is that the proper spelling of 'cul-de-sac'? I'm just curious. Some people pronounce it culvesack. I know my friends uncle likes to say curved sack. Maybe because he has one. Anyway. Let's just say this story hit a little close to home. They didn't call me 'Big Bear' in my first college semester because I had the instincts of a wild beast. A bear in the tree? Give me something hard to believe people. It's fucking Colorado. I thought bears in trees were as common as an ugly bitch in a hot group of females. There is always one. Think about it. Whats up Sellberg? I guess the real victim in this act is the kids. Talk about your summer getting off to a bang, eh? Trampolines are golden in the sweet summer breeze. By day, it's a way to release that pent up energy and jump with joy. Possibly lay on it and sweat out that hangover. And by night it's a goddamn sex magnent. You're flat out wrong if you're telling me that bitches don't fiend for that shit. It's not called a TRAMPonline for nothing. I'm just happy that the lesson has been learned. The wifey says these type of shenanigans keep them on their toes. Always gotta be ready for whatever. I love it. My type of lady. If she followed all of that up with a simple, "gotta keep your head on a swivel. It's a fuckin jungle out there" I'd fly myself out to Colorado and marry that broad.

P.S. Bear Grylls wearing the old Bears Sweater vest? Well played, sir. Well played.

Honestly Ricky Rubio?

We have been teased. As NBA fans, we were told we would get to see Ricky Rubio, one of the most exciting players on the planet, evolve into greatness before our eyes. Now plenty of people are suggesting -- insiders around Rubio, the GM of the team that drafted him, the father of the player himself -- Rubio may be headed back to Europe for a year or two. All this just two days after Rubio stared into the camera and said he wanted to come to the NBA so badly he'd play for free.

Look kid, this is the third time we have had to post about how big of a douche bag you are. Cut the shit. You just got drafted 5th overall to play in the National Basketball Association and make millions of dollars. Go fucking play ball. Don't pull any of this pussy shit "Well I don't want to play in Minnesota." I don't give a fuck, you got drafted. Do you really think Kevin Durant wanted to play for OKC? Absolutely not. No one would. You are a month younger than me you little shit, so you best listen. The size of your nose is fucking insane. I hate you. I'm glad you are going to play in Minnesota where the male inhabitants have the smallest testicles known to man due to the cold. Good. Great. I hope you come out of the closet too. If you go back to Spain, Cristiano Ronaldo and Kaka are going to kick your ass. Suck on that, Ricky.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Check How Mouch Your Backlink

In last post with title "Get Backlink From My Dofollow Blog". i was talk about backlink.
May be i should review for this post.

What is backlink?

Put simply, a backlink is a link from another webpage, 'back' to your page. The most valuable type of links are single inbound links, that is, a third party page has linked to your page, and you do NOT link back.An example of this might be a post to your blog that another blogger likes, and links to for their own readers to enjoy.

More backlink = Top position on search engine.

Google tries to put the most relevant pages at the top of its search results for any given search. By identifying inbound links, it uses these like a voting system to identify the most relevant pages on the assumption that the most linked to page will have the best content. Also, if a very popular site links to the page, then this is even more valuable, as a site with a lot of traffic or a high PR, is considered a 'better judge of character'... shall we say
Backlink is very important for our blog.Couse Pagerank is based on how much we have a backlink to our blog. I made simple form for check your backlink here. Just type and see the result.

How to check our backlink?
Yes. How to check our backlink. can we know that with simple way? The answer is yup. Just type your blog or site on widget check backlink on top of this post. so you will be redirected to page that show which page that give backlink to your blog.

USA Loses 3-2. Is Everything Made To Be Broken?

JOHANNESBURG (AP) -- Clint Dempsey sobbed as the Americans walked up to get their second-place medals, unable to hide the pain and the disappointment any longer. The euphoria of knocking off Spain last week dissolved Sunday in the Confederations Cup final when Brazil unleashed its "Beautiful Game." After dominating the five-time World Cup champions in the first half, the Americans were powerless as Brazil scored three goals in the final 45 minutes to rally for a 3-2 win. "We're at the point where we don't want respect, we want to win," said Landon Donovan, whose goal in the 27th minute gave the United States a 2-0 lead. "There's no guarantee we ever get back to a final game like this, so it's disappointing."

Let me say this. I don't think I've ever had my heart ripped out and stomped on like today. I guess it's true. It always rains like hell on the losers day parade. I mean first Billy Mays dies and then our chance to shock the world fades to black as well. I just can't hide the tears anymore. I put too much love and energy into this team. To go up 2-0 in the first half on a world power like Brazil brought back feelings of Lexington and Concord. Get out your history books bitches cause Paul Revere aint comin' back to tell this story. Here we were again, the underdog USA fighting with nothing but grit and determination. And for what? Because we felt like we were finally owed something. But faster than Donahue ejaculates into his boyfriends ass, it was gone. Our glimpse of hope of what could have been completely shot down. We could sit here and play the 'what if' game for the next 30 minutes but it wont get us anywhere. I know. I did it for the Patriots Superbowl 2 years ago and this year with the KG injury. It just leads you down a long, dark, and lonely road. The bottom line is this. In 2 year no one will remember this game. No one fucking cares about who gets 2nd place. Story of my life. I just don't know what to do at this point. It's like when you see someone you don't really know, but you know that someone in the family died. Like do you keep going on with your conversation at the party? Do you approach them and just kill your buzz? Or do you just talk to them like nothing happened and you were oblivious to the whole ordeal? It's a very complicated situation and all the while you're just wondering if we're ever gonna get hopped up enough to make some bad decisions.

Just a Nice Way To Close Out Your Weekend.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Tim Wakefield Will Now Go By The Name Cy Young.

ATLANTA -- Who would've envisioned this: Tim Wakefield joining Roger Clemens in the Boston record book? The 42-year-old knuckleballer pitched six scoreless innings to beat the Atlanta Braves 1-0 Saturday, a worthy performance for the game that tied him with Clemens for the most career starts by a Red Sox pitcher."Just being mentioned with the names I'm being mentioned with is pretty cool," said Wakefield, who made his 382nd start for Boston. "I'm thankful I've been here as long as I have."

I don't wanna jump the gun here but can the MLB just fucking give us our championship rings now? I don't think you can even argue that any other team is better than the sox right now. It's like they're just playing 6 levels above everyone else. And that type of shit isn't going to stop. They have that deadly mix of veteran and young players that injects the entire team with enthusiasm accompanied by a touch of class. I call it the Jack Nicholson syndrome. I'm still debating if that even made sense. Go eat a dick. If you were gonna stand up and tell me that in June, our MVP would be Tim Wakefield, I'd tell you to slap my ass, tickle me pink and call me sally. It's like this guy just decided if he wanted to make the world a better place then he'd have to take a look at himself and make a change.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

King of Pop Dead at 50.

(CNN) -- Entertainer Michael Jackson has died after being taken to a hospital on Thursday after suffering cardiac arrest, according to multiple reports including the Los Angeles Times and the Associated Press. CNN has not confirmed his death. A Los Angeles fire official told CNN that paramedics arrived at Michael Jackson's home after a 911 call. Jackson, 50, had been in a coma at the hospital, sources told CNN.

Let's take a look back on his remarkable career.....

-- 1993: A 13-year-boy claimed that the music star had fondled him. Jackson was known to have sleepovers with boys at his Neverland Ranch, but this was the first public charge of wrongdoing. Police searched the ranch, but found no evidence to support the claim. Jackson settled the case out of court the following year with the boy's family.

-- 2003: British journalist Martin Bashir spent several months with Jackson for the television documentary "Living with Michael Jackson." Bashir got Jackson to discuss his relationships with children. Jackson admitted that he continued to have children sleep over at his ranch, and that sometimes he slept with the children in his bed. He told Bashir, "Why can't you share your bed? That's the most loving thing to do, to share your bed with someone."

-- 2004: Jackson was arrested on charges related to incidents with a 13-year-old boy the previous year. He was charged with, among other things, lewd conduct with a minor, administering alcohol to facilitate molestation, conspiracy to commit child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion. More than 130 people testified at the 2005 trial, including actor Macaulay Culkin, who said the singer never tried to molest him in all their years of friendship.

Oh. Whoops. I have nothing else to say about this clown. A great entertainer and artist. 10 year old Johnny also told me he wasn't a bad lay. That's not very classy? Go fuck yourself you pedophile loving freaks. RIP. Or something.

That is just Shaqtastic

The Cleveland Cavaliers and the Phoenix Suns have come to an agreement on a blockbuster trade that will send Shaquille O'Neal to Cleveland to team with LeBron James, according to sources. The deal has been agreed to in principle and is expected to be finalized Thursday, according to sources. Cleveland will send Ben Wallace and Sasha Pavlovic to Phoenix for the presumptive future Hall of Famer. Sources said the Suns will also receive the 46th pick in Thursday's NBA draft and $500,000. The trade gives the Cavs a player they've coveted since February. With center Zydrunas Ilgauskas starting to break down, adding Shaq to the roster gives them a dominant force in the middle. The Cavs obviously were unhappy with their ability to defend Dwight Howard in the playoffs against the Orlando Magic and bringing Shaq into the fold should help. O'Neal averaged 17.8 points and 8.4 rebounds per game last season and made his 15th All-Star Game.

I hate this trade so much. Why, you ask? Because I hate Lebron. I love to hate Lebron. Everyone needs someone to root against in order to make sports more fun. Larry Bird fans hated Magic Johnson, Manny fans hate drug testers, and I hate Lebron. I want to see him and Kobe battle in every NBA finals from now until the time when Kobe can't walk. If the Cavs don't reach the finals next year, that's pathetic. I just hope Delonte West's face doesn't infect the Big Shaqtus. Good game Celtics, I hate to say it, but Kendrick Fucking Perkins can't guard Shaq. Lebron doesn't have to average a triple double next year, but he'll do it anyway. Suck on that RAJON.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hey World, How Does Our Ass Taste?

BLOEMFONTEIN, South Africa (AP) -- The United States stunned top-ranked Spain 2-0 Wednesday night on goals by Jozy Altidore and Clint Dempsey, advancing to the Confederations Cup final with one of the Americans' biggest soccer victories.Altidore scored in the 27th minute and Dempsey added a goal in the 74th as the Americans became the first team to defeat Spain since Romania in November 2006.The chances of such a U.S. victory seemed slim just a few days ago. The 14th-ranked Americans lost their first two games in the Confederations Cup, an eight-nation World Cup warmup, and were on the verge of elimination.Now they will play defending champion Brazil or host South Africa on Sunday in their first-ever men's final at a FIFA competition.

Let this be a lesson to the rest of the world. Do not count us out. Do not fuck with us. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLLEEEEEEE

Rajon Rondo Should Probably Stop Being Such a Dick Head

Speaking this morning on WEEI's "Dennis and Callahan" program, Ainge said Rondo needed to take more of a leadership role and revealed the 23-year-old was fined for showing up late to a game. "We expect him to play by the rules and be a leader as a point guard. We need him to be more of a leader," Ainge said. "There were just a couple situations where he was late this year, I don't know if he was sitting in his car, but showed up late and the rest of the team was there. We have team rules and you have to be on time. He was fined for being late, he said he was stuck in traffic, and it's just unacceptable." Ainge was also critical of Rondo's play during the Celtics' second-round loss to the Magic. "As we saw in the Orlando series, they left him wide open," Ainge said. "His presence hurt us in winning right now because his man went and doubled onto Ray [Allen] and Paul [Pierce] and made it difficult for us." "He's got to grow up in some cases, and I think he is, too," Ainge said. "Slowly but surely Rondo is maturing. He's getting a little bit more control over his emotions and he's responding in a more positive way as he gets older and more mature in the league."

This has been a long time coming. I like Rondo to a certain extent. You don't fall totally in love with him like you could with Manny because he's not consistent enough. At least you could always rely on Manny to hit the fuck out of the ball even when he's being an asshole in the clubhouse. But who does Rondo think he is? The bottom line is at the end of the day this is just a stubborn kid with no jump shot who got the keys to the city way too early in his career and now it's time to knock his ego down a couple levels. I actually wouldn't mind seeing him get traded in the right deal. I absolutely despise asshole point guards. I mean any guy who has the balls to tattoo a giant "R" on his back must be on the same plane as someone like Stephon Marbury. And we all know how his career panned out.

Get Backlink From My Dofollow Blog

My Blog is Dofollow Blog. For almost bloggers may be was understand what is dofollow. Let flashback for a minute, may be one of bloggers does not know what is dofollow.

What is Dofollow?

Taken from Squidoo, the definition of dofollow is simply an internet slang term given to web pages or sites that are not utilizing NoFollow. NoFollow is a hyperlink inclusion that tells search engines not to pass on any credibility or influence to an outbound link. Originally created to help the blogging community reduce the number of inserted links into a "comment" area of a blog page, the attribute is typically standard in blog comments. It helps overwhelmed webmasters disallow spammers from gaining any kind of advantage by inserting an unwanted link on a popular page.

How to know a blog is dofollow blog?

Simple way to know dofollow blog is by take a look page source. And then find the word "nofollow". If you found its mean nofollow blog. but if not its mean Dofollow blog. This statement i take from bloggerbuster.com. Check out my blog. I was remove rel='nofollow'.

What is the benefit My Dofollow Blog for You.

Dofollow blog automaticly give a backlink to your site when you post a comment on this blog. Backlinks are incredibly important to you if you want your website or blog to appear in the high search result positions for any of the Search Engines. It is now common knowledge that backlinks are a method for assessing the 'value' of the webpage being indexed.

What is backlink?

Put simply, a backlink is a link from another webpage, 'back' to your page. The most valuable type of links are single inbound links, that is, a third party page has linked to your page, and you do NOT link back.An example of this might be a post to your blog that another blogger likes, and links to for their own readers to enjoy.

More backlink = Top position on search engine.

Google tries to put the most relevant pages at the top of its search results for any given search. By identifying inbound links, it uses these like a voting system to identify the most relevant pages on the assumption that the most linked to page will have the best content. Also, if a very popular site links to the page, then this is even more valuable, as a site with a lot of traffic or a high PR, is considered a 'better judge of character'... shall we say

So commenting on my blog. Get the backlink. But please do not a spam.

To Be a Great Is To do

Be great, in any case, really difficult things. especially for them, people who have mental dwarf, wishy washy in life. Doubt in stride, hesitant to take decisions.

Believe we can be great, just we often lose before the battle . Always in the mindset we say that "can not "," too high"," too Utopis" why?

Indeed, this is purely a problem of thinking that we believe. be great in any sense, not a matter of justice Allah claim, but a matter of determining our own destiny. Allah has asserted that destiny can be changed if we want to change.

That the gods will not change the fate of a nation before the change of their own fate. This means that the changes we do pure is change our own life history. Thus, Take A step to change your destiny.Move, so that the creator of the highway and natural move your life.

Belive :A big journey always comes from small steps.

If you was decide to be a blogger. Learning everything about blogging. Dont thinks about result from the begin. But think how to be expert in blogging. Soonly you will have a popularity, derive money comes to you. You just need to be focus. Constan and never give up.

We can take a name like cosaaranda the master seo of indonesia, Joko susilo the best seller ebook from indonesia. they not automaticly be a great but pass  a big journey and start with small steps.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sorry folks

Guess who's back? Back again.

I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen, especially you ladies, about my little hiatus from the blog. I was busy laying down some R&B tracks under my well-known alias: MC MILFalicious. Get ready to hear the hit of the summer when "Sex on the Stoop" comes out July 1st.

The NBA draft is tomorrow night. I don't give a shit. Who has their draft on a Thursday? What is this, amateur hour? My man Hasheem is about to put the smack down on David Stern, just you wait. Oh, and if Ricky Rubio doesn't come out of the closet by his fourth year in the league, I'll retire from sarcasm. You know that kid is a crymaxer.

I'm back

Sean Avery Is Back In The News. So I Guess I'll Post.

Hilary Rhoda isn't just a football fan -- she's also a hockey fan. Having dated new Jet QB Marc Sanchez (after posing with him in GQ and helping him celebrate his $50 million contract), the curvy brunette looked very cozy with Ranger Sean Avery last night at Brother Jimmy's in Murray Hill. "They were doing shots of Jack Daniels and Patron, and she had her hands on his arm as they canoodled at the corner of the bar," said our spy. "Sanchez was nowhere to be found."

Well played, Mr. Avery. It's clearly obvious that our man has been involved in this sort of love triangle before. You don't just take out any beautiful bitch. You wait until she's in GQ posing with the new gay QB for the Jets then you wine and dine her like it's your last night in Vegas and you don't wanna go home without any scars. And Patron will leave you bruised. Trust me. Listen, Sanchez. You clearly got played here bro. Just consider yourself lucky that you lost your girl to a real soldier like Sean Avery rather than some high school kid who think he's hot shit because he was all-state as a junior.Whatever. You got a tiny dick and everyone knows it. I'm not bitter. Anyway. I don't wanna hear any sloppy seconds jokes either on this one. No way Mark Sanchez hit that broad.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Search Engine not index my blog?

Why search engine is not index my blog? May be this question was show up on new blogger when the first time we make a blog. After a fiew day or maybe a week, google still does not index our blog.

What should we do? To indexing our blog, we sould try to introduce our blog to search engine. Just like what we do when to make a relation with someone. We should give a description about our self.

How to submit our blog to search engine? We can start submit to most favorites search engine like yahoo, google and msn. Click link bellow for url blog submission :

1.) Add URL to Google: Google
2.) Submit Site to Yahoo: Yahoo Submit
3.) MSN Search Engine Submission: The MSN Network
4.) Submit to About.com's Engine: About.com
5.) The DMOZ.org Directory: The DMOZ
6.) Submit to Accoona: Accoona
7.) Search Engine #7: ExactSeek
8.) ScrubTheWeb's Search Engine: ScrubTheWeb
9.) The Buzzle Engine: Buzzle
10.) Submit site to Snap @: Snap
11.) Hand Submit to SearchSight: SearchSight
12.) The EntireWeb Search Engine: EntireWeb
13.) The SearchIt Search Engine: SearchIt
14.) What U Seek's Search Engine: WhatUSeek
15.) 260 Add'l Engines: SubmitMySite.net

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Seo Contest Show Blogger Credibility

Seo contest is like a book of evaluation report for student. The Student who got the best value,they got the best rank.

In case of seo contest, which page or web show up in front of the result page of search engine for specific keyword so the owner of that site is the winner.

At the present, blogger indonesia made suprised by seo contest that was held by Joko Susilo. Joko Susilo offer the great value for the winner. With total prize $2500 for keyword Stop Dreaming Start Action.More information about this contest you can read at jokosusilo.com

Are you blogger?Want to try?Beside Stop Dreaming Start Action, other seo contest is Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner that was held by Seo Bertuah.And tukang nggame.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Focus is the Key For Success in Internet business

Focus is the Key For Success in Internet business. Do you agree?

One book with the title "Kiat Sukses Jadi Jutawan Lewat Internet" gave inspire to me to active as blogger again. After a long time resign from the blogsphere, i found new spirit from that book.

The sentences is "90% new blogger die in 4 month becouse the mistake of thought. Blogger commonly thought can get much money as easy as just sit on the chair for 2 hours and open they notebook. After that much money transfered to they bank account.

So when they found the fact that is not easy just like what they think, they down and go out from they dreaming to be success. look for another way or may be another job.And was happen to me.

Now i relized that is a big mistakes that makes me not grow up as success man.We should try to evaluate our journey as a blogger.Repair the mistakes and improve our knowledge.

We should not forget that there is no man success without an effort. As like as conventional business, internet business also need great effort.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dice-K. You Suck.

Is there a chance Matsuzka will go to the bullpen? Francona sounded as if he didn't consider it a feasible option for a number of reasons. "My first thought was that if we tell him that we're putting him in long relief that's probably not going to build his confidence a whole lot," Francona said. "You know, there's a lot of things to think about. When you put a guy in the bullpen, who comes out of the bullpen? When you send a guy to the bullpen, how does he react to the bullpen? "Also, Daisuke is typically our guy who takes the longest to warm up . . . he goes out there a good 45-50 minutes before the game and throws a lot, so is that going to work? If you put a guy in the bullpen and he hasn't pitched a lot in three weeks and you need a starter is he capable of throwing a lot of pitches? I think there's a lot of things to look at. We can't just get caught up in what the fans and [media] are caught up in because we'll make some poor decisions.

Before I get called a racist or whatever I just wanna throw out that there is nothing I have against Dice-K besides the fact that he's terrible. I can't rememer a more frustrating player to watch. He'll get you going for 4-5 innings then he'll let you down like a cute chick who had a slutty side and that's just the fucking pits. I would know from experience dude. You're not so sure but then everything starts going really good and you start to build a trust and you think, "oh, hey, ok, alright, here we go, this is where we turn it around." and then BLAM she's blowing your best friend under the bleachers and Dice-K just walked his 6th batter then gave up a double and the score is now 5-2. And where are you? Sitting on your couch with a box of tissues after you just got through raising hell on your well with haymakers. The moral of the story is fuck Dice-K. I'm not saying to put him in the bullpen. I don't really care for his feelings. He's not a 12 year old kid who is in a 3 week slump with a confidence issue. He's a 28 year old pitcher who is overrated and the only reason he is in the starting rotation is because we've invested too much money in him. I say just trade the poor guy to a national league team. We got too many pitchers anyway. Package him with Brad Penny or Masterson or Bucholz and bring us a shortstop not named Lugo, Lowrie or Green with a big bat. Maybe even an outfielder incase Papi decides to take another 3 months off again.

I Was Wondering Where My Favorite Boxers Went...

Puerto Rico police said they have arrested a man accused of snatching 88 pieces of underwear from a neighbor's clothesline. The man was charged with theft and illegal appropriation. Police said Wednesday that he returned all $1,000 worth of underwear to the woman. They said he stole the items from his 29-year-old neighbor over a period of several months in the rural town of Orocovis. She apparently had to keep buying more to replace those that vanished from her line.

Well hold your horses Puerto Rico. This is more common than you think. Let's just say I know a guy who knows a guy who was into snatchin the undies. Not gonna name names but uhhh we'll call him bob grey or something. I mean I think the only thing you can say in this situation is that it's too bad that this guy got caught because we were all doing it. Wait what? I understand you gotta give the guy some form of punishment. Maybe make him wear one set tof underwear for the rest of his life and right after he takes the post-dinner shit, make him sniff them. Yeah, me and Dick Cheney used to discuss torture tactics at my backyard BBQ's back in 1989. Great fuckin year by the way. But back to my point. Why punish him? It's obvious he has skills that are not common among all men. He's clearly a stealthy figure. I'm just saying there is hope for this man. When everyone else wants to lock him away for being a fucked up sex addict, I'll be there waiting in open arms. I'm just that type of guy.

For the love of the game

Chelsea striker Didier Drogba has been banned for four European matches by UEFA following his verbal assault on referee Tom Henning Ovrebo, with a further two-game ban suspended for two years. The incident came at the end of Chelsea's dramatic exit from the Champions League against Barcelona. The Blues had four penalty appeals turned down during the semi-final second leg 1-1 draw at Stamford Bridge. Chelsea defender Jose Bosingwa has been banned for three matches, with a further one-match ban suspended. Both players face a two year probationary period, during which time the suspended bans can be called into force. Drogba and Bosingwa were facing charges of being in breach of the principles of sportsmanship by insulting the referee by making offensive comments. Drogba harangued Ovrebo after the final whistle and called the Norwegian ''a f***ing disgrace'' on live television, while Bosingwa told Portuguese TV station RTP: "I do not know if he is a referee or a thief. There are no words to describe the person that was on the pitch here.''

You can call this immature, you can call it childish. I love it. This just exemplifies what soccer will never be in the United States. These two have such a passion and a fire for the beautiful game that is soccer that they lose their temper over it. I've never seen Landon "I'm a bitch" Donovan even make a sliding tackle let alone verbally assault a referee. Drogba is straight out of the Ivory Coast, I wouldn't mess with him for all the money his country doesn't have. I watched this game, and as much as I hate Chelsea I can't help but feel for them. Ovrebo missed a few calls in this game, especially that hand ball in stoppage time. Michael Ballack practically assaulted him on his way back down the field. It is a pure love for the game, and Jozy Altidore should be fucking jealous.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wait. Sammy Sosa Did Steroids?

NEW YORK -- Former slugger Sammy Sosa tested positive for a performance-enhancing drug in 2003, The New York Times reported Tuesday on its Web site. The Times, citing lawyers familiar with the case, reported Sosa is one of 104 players who tested positive in a 2003 baseball survey. The paper did not identify the drug. Sosa is sixth on baseball's career home run list with 609, most of them for the Chicago Cubs. He has not played in the majors since 2007 with Texas.

Am I a Sammy Sosa fan? Sure. Any guy who captures the hearts of millions across the country in a homerun race is a friend of mine. And now his critics will say that he used to the juice, that his testicles must be the size of jon adamski's balls, he was illegally enhanced. Everywhere. I say who gives a fuck. Everyone was on the juice. I was, your mother was, her mother was, her brother, and his friend. You know the fat lady who works at Dunkin Donuts on Saturday mornings? The one who always tells you to have a nice day but you know she wouldn't care if you went home and found your pet leopard at the bottom of the swimming pool. Yeah, she was sticking needles(like sellbergs tiny dick. you fat faggot) in her ass every 6 weeks too. And using steroids. The bottom line is once you start putting the credibility of an entire franchise on one player then you have to assume that the entire league was in on it. Is that fair? No. Is life fair? No. Is it fair that a goon like Adam Sandler always gets to bang the hot chick in the movie? Absolutely not. But in heaven does love come first? Yes and goddamnit we're going to make heaven a place on earth.

New York, here I come

The Denver Broncos said they are aware of a radio report that said holdout receiver Brandon Marshall Marshall skipped Denver's mandatory minicamp Friday-Sunday. He is protesting because he has medical trust issues and he wants a pay raise. Marshall's contract expires after next season. Marshall had hip surgery in March and he won't be able to practice until training camp starts late next month. Still, he was required to rehabilitate at the camp. Denver can fine him for missing the sessions. asked team owner Pat Bowlen for a trade during a meeting Friday. However, a team spokesman said Denver does not have any comment on the report. Adam Schefter, who will join ESPN in August, reported Monday on KOA in Denver that Marshall requested the trade during a meeting Friday. Marshall's agent, Kennard McGuire, did not return phone messages Monday. Marshall is entering his fourth season and made his first Pro Bowl in 2008. He has had back-to-back 100-plus catch seasons.

I'm calling this right now. It is June 16th and by the time August comes around, Brandon Marshall will be a New York Giant. We have been looking for a big play receiver ever since that asshole shot himself in the leg. And who better to fill the shoes? The man who had a 22 reception game last year. That's fucking who. Imagine this guy's talent with Eli's ability to throw it to him accurately 60% of the time. That's a winning combination. Plus, we like guys who have character issues. Plaxico had his guns, Antonio Pierce most likely rapes women, and Ahmad Bradshaw is a coke-head. I love it, Tom Coughlin's face will turn red over it, and the Giants will go to the Super Bowl. I'm ready for fantasy football. That's all I have to say.

Monday, June 15, 2009

This is Why I Hate The Rest Of The World.

PRETORIA, South Africa -- New Jersey-born Giuseppe Rossi scored twice in the second half and Daniele De Rossi had a goal, leading Italy over the United States 3-1 Monday night in its opener at the FIFA Confederations Cup. Rossi, who spurned the U.S. national team program to play for Italy, entered in the 57th minute and tied the score a minute later with a 30-yard shot after stripping the ball from Benny Feilhaber. He got his second goal in the fourth minute of injury time from about 10 yards after Andrea Pirlo went around defender Jay DeMerit and crossed. The 22-year-old Rossi, born in Teaneck, scored four goals at last summer's Olympics. He made his debut with the senior Italian national team last October as a substitute against Bulgaria and scored his first international goal on June 6, putting Italy ahead in a 3-0 exhibition win over Northern Ireland.

Honestly, bro? People like this little bitch just fucking disgust me. They want the glory like the rest of us but aren't willing to go through the pain or the trials and tribulations of becoming a champion. I don't blame him for wanting to leave New Jersey but then again isn't this just typical of the piece of shit trash you find in that state? There just isn't loyalty in this beautiful game anymore and by game I think I meant life and it fucking breaks my heart. I don't know. Why would you even want to play for Italy? No offense, but if there was a team that looked like I could beat the shit out of by myself, my vote is 100% on those Italians. If you're saying that someone like Luca Toni or Totti could make my earth shake then I'm not buying it. Not for a second. Oh, and Clint Dempsey get your fucking shit together. I'm embarrassed that my mother spent 70 bucks on your jersey for christmas last year.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ricky Rubio Who?

Brandon Jennings won't be joining the Ricky Rubio fan club anytime soon. The promising point guard who skipped college in order to play professionally in Europe was quick to call out Spanish international and fellow hot-shot prospect Rubio for being overhyped, SI.com reports."Yes. Because he played in the Olympics, he's been playing pro ball since he was like 14. So there it is right there," Jennings was quoted as saying. "I can't wait to play him, though, in summer league. I'm just letting you know that now. I can't wait. "Yeah, I think I'm a better player than he is," Jennings told reporters after working out for the Sacramento Kings Friday. "I just shoot the ball better than he can. The only thing I've seen him do sometimes is when he has a home-run pass or something like that. I think the dude is just all hype. I can't even front. I'm just going to be real with you guys." Jennings also feels there's a number of young playmakers more capable than the Spanish teenager. "Well, put it like this: If he was in a workout with me [and fellow point guard prospects] Jonny Flynn, Jrue Holiday, Tywon Lawson, Stephen Curry, he wouldn't probably be at the top," he was quoted as saying in SI.com. When asked about their head-to-head matchup last year, the 6-2 Jennings boasted, "Well, when I played him, he had zero points, two assists and two turnovers. So you tell me how that went."

Well, I believe my fellow blogger had this one right. I too would never ever ever draft a European player. Once out of 50 tries you get a douche bag named Dirk, but other than that they are all a bunch of softies. And just saying, Jonny Flynn is going to be the greatest point guard in the history of the NBA. 20 years from now he might even be the NBA logo. All I know about Rubio is that he played second fiddle to Pau Gasol on the national team. If he isn't good enough to be better than Pau, then I'm just going to tune out right now. He looks gay, he probably is gay, and I hope he gets drafted by a Western Conference team so Shaq can destroy him in the paint. Welcome to America Immi-can't.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Mark it Down. June 15th. Stand Up and Be a Man Day.

Two Indiana men have declared Monday "National Man Day" only to find there's already a romantic holiday that falls on that date. Nineteen-year-old Joel Longanecker of Celestine and his 26-year-old brother Aaron, of Indianapolis, have for months been rallying thousands to their masculine cause on Facebook. More than 260,000 people have pledged to "stand up and do manly things" on Man Day. But it turns out June 15 is also "Sneak a Kiss Day," a day for sweethearts to steal smooches from their sweeties. The Man Day organizers urge participants to take part in "manly" activities such as football, hunting or watching Rocky movies. They claim real men don't "sneak" kisses.

This is where Barack Obama stamps his name in American history. The entire way we view his presidency will depend on this decision. Is it be a man day or sneak a kiss day? What's the protocol for sneaking a kiss? Cause where I come from, you might be charged with sexual assault. You can ask Kobe about that. Or Dan Donahue. However, for Donahue she must be from Bristol and under the age of 12. Just one of his pet peaves, he says. This has gone too far. I don't love the idea of be a man day. In fact, I think it's almost unmanly(word?) to have to declare a day for yourself.I have no reason to watch Rocky because every moment of my life I am playing the theme music in my head. A real man doesn't need a special holiday to display his brutality. No, a man wakes up, claps his hands, and says it's gonna be a great day regardless of the weather. I don't need some middle america sissys to tell me to drink beer, watch the departed, cheer on the sox, mow some lawns, get paid, not comb my hair, turn on some DAC then go to bed. That's called a Tuesday for guys like Ed Hochuli and myself.

Paris Hilton(slut) and Cristiano(fag)?

PARIS HILTON dumped baseball player boyfriend DOUG REINHARDT, so there would be no hard feelings when she started making moves on soccer stud CRISTIANO RONALDO. Hilton and her sister Nicky attended a party at Hollywood hotspot MyHouse on Wednesday night (10Jun09) - just a day after the socialite confirmed reports her six-month romance with Reinhardt was over. And now photos taken inside the club, and obtained by TMZ.com, suggest Hilton has already moved on to a new man. Cameras caught her whispering, kissing and cuddling the smiling Manchester United goal scorer. Hilton left the club with her sister but reports suggest she was joined by the soccer star later in the night. Clubbers tell the website, "He (Ronaldo) couldn't keep his hands off her."

I guess I'm gonna shock some more people today with my words. I don't think Paris Hilton is hot. Never have, never will. I do think Cristiano Ronaldo is a good lookin chap though. I didn't know he could even speak english. I actually don't think he can. So if this doesn't cry out what a no-talent whore Paris Hilton is then I don't know what will. What a fucking gold digger. No way that bitch doesn't know that Cristiano is about 12 hours removed from playing the key role in one of the richest soccer deals in history. And why the fuck is this guy in Hollywood? You're going to moving from Manchester to Spain and the place you pick to celebrate is LA? Really? Sorry bro, in this country we care abour real athletes.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Do you need a ticket?

To the gun show!

For years, one of our favorite Outsports pastimes is to chronicle how often NFL announcers mention the physique of buff ref Ed Hochuli. We also might have been the first to call him “Guns.” So it was amusing to hear NBC Al Michaels say this about Hochuli during the second quarter of the Giants-Redskins season opener when the camera flashed to Ed:“Ed Hochuli, working out year-round as always. Eddie Guns.” I also found this comment on a sports forum about Hochuli: “If I was to turn gay, and play with a man’s muscles, I’d choose Hochuli.”

Haha, that's great. Ed is a muscle maniac. I mean, how many referees do you know that can squat a clean 850? Not too many. Joey Crawford has nothing on this SOB. He's on the juice, and the juice is loose. I love it.

If The Sox Win Tonight Is There Even a Rivalry?

Sorry bitches. I mean usually when I beat up on somebody 8 times in a row it kind of takes away any hatred I had towards them. I'm almost looking forward to it. You don't really go into the game with any tension. It's like OK, you're gonna talk a big game, put in your best players, and we're still going to win without any real competition. Don't get me wrong, I still hate every player on that Yankee team but am I afraid of any of them? Uhhhh no. Guys nicknamed "bitch tits" don't really give me the shivers. Sure, Damon is having a big year at the plate but when you can't make the throw to second base without a hop, skip, and a jump then you're just fooling yourself or something. I don't want to crush any dreams here but I just don't see the Yankees as a worthy adversary. It could get close in a game for a little bit but you know the Sox are going to pull out with the W because the fact of the matter is that they're the better team and always will be. New York is all about the big names. Boston spent the offseason building up their bullpen and now it's the deepest and one of the top staffs in the game. So what am I trying to say? Fuck you. How does our ass taste you piece of shit new york cock sucking, steroid using motherfuckers?

That's a Party Foul.

Former NBA referee Tim Donaghy was attacked by a fellow inmate during his 15-month sentence in federal prison, the Los Angeles Daily News reported Thursday. A source who has maintained regular contact with Donaghy during his imprisonment said Donaghy was attacked in November and suffered significant damage to his knee, the Daily News reported. The source said Donaghy could not comment for the Daily News story. He was unsure why Donaghy was assaulted and struck "several times with a paint-rolling stick," according to the report.

I don't know much about life in prison except from what I've witnessed on OZ, Shawkshank, and that locked up show on MSNBC late night. But I do know it's probably not a good idea to put a mobster next to the guy who just went through a year of acting as in informat to the feds in order to lock up his big italian buddies. I don't know. That made a lot more sense in my head when I first said it.


6-11-2009 R.I.P. VB

$131.6 Million For Pansy Boy?

Manchester United have accepted an £80m ($131.6m or €93.9m) offer from Real Madrid for Cristiano Ronaldo. A statement on the United website confirmed that a deal for the 24-year-old should be completed by the end of the month. ''Manchester United have received a world-record, unconditional offer of £80m for Cristiano Ronaldo from Real Madrid. ''At Cristiano's request - who has again expressed his desire to leave - and after discussion with the player's representatives, United have agreed to give Real Madrid permission to talk to the player.

Greatest player in the world? Sure. I mean I still prefer me ome American bred talents such a Clint Dempsey or even my man Ronaldinho but you can't ignore vagina's like Cristiano. I respect him to a certain extent. What I'm saying is in the war of the blacks against the whites, I feel pretty confident going toe to toe with someone of Cristiano's stature. I don't care how much money he makes or how many guys he has sex with. This isn't the days of Alexander the Great man. Your army might frown upon you galavanting into the night with your bestfriend/lover who looks similar to Adam Lambert.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Klopek. Is That Slavic?

Narcotics officers made a bizarre discovery while executing at warrant at Bridgeport home on Tuesday."When we opened the door to this compartment, that was when we knew that we had a problem," said Sgt. William Bailey, of the Bridgeport Tactical Narcotics Team. City police said officers discovered what appears to be a human skull in a basement with blood-covered walls early Tuesday morning. They said it was in a locked compartment of the basement inside a Madison Avenue home.They said they found the skull resting upon an altar with other items. "There was an alligator head, a sheep and a goat's head, a snake, and there was a chicken in a separate bowl," said Sgt. William Bailey, of the Bridgeport Tactical Narcotics Team. Investigators also found strange handwriting. They suspect people were practicing Santeria, a Caribbean blend of West African beliefs and Catholicism that uses animal sacrifices in some rituals."People who sell drugs, they think if they do that they'll be safe," Bridgeport resident David Mendez said.

I'll tell ya what. I hate when this happens. You go for your routine drug raid and then it's like opening up Pandora's box when you find one of those skulls and blood on the walls. Am I shocked at this story? Uh, no. Have you ever seen The Burbs? Only one of the most underrated movies of the 1980's in my opinion. The best part about this story is the quote from the cop. You knew you had a problem with you opened the compartment door? Really? What about the entire reason you had to raid the house in the first place? I guess in Bridgeport this is a common thing. Pick up some heroin, maybe find a fucking murder scene while you're at it. And what about his other line? People who sell drugs practice santeria because they think they will be safe. Yeah, that's it. Or they were just really, really, really, high.

The Blog is Back. But Where is Sean Avery?

So first, Sean Avery partners with pals in a bar on Warren Street. Now there's word that he'll be a field reporter at the Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival starting Thursday for FUSE TV, interviewing musicians and fans at the Manchester, Tennessee site. He's also on the guest list for next week's Samsung's 8th annual Four Seasons of Hope charity gala, along with Regis Philbin, musicians, soap opera stars and a handful of Jets and Giants. And coming up, we hear, an appearance on Jimmy Fallon's late-night gig on NBC.

Guys like me and Aves, we're a dime a dozen. They say he's the most hated man in the NHL but he seems to be the only player who can get a job outside of hockey. So you try and tell me that the underdog is not on top. You gotta love a guy like Avery. Yes, he will beat the shit out of you on the ice. He will verbally rape you and your mother. He is going to piss off every player and every opposing fan with his so called "antics." Then he is going to knock down every hot chick in the room. But the bottom line is this guy is just fucking cool. I don't think I could have thought of a better way to be spending my summer. The only thing I would add is to get back with Cuthbert just to dump her on her perfect ass. Anyway. Buy a bar? Yes. Be a field reporter at Bonnaroo? Sure. I don't know what that is exactly but my guess is that there willl be no shortage of drugs. Host a charity event with Regis Philbin? Only one of my dreams. Appear on Jimmy Fallon? Count me in as long as that fucker doesn't giggle inbetween every word of his monologue. Take some tips from Conan bro. No one likes a 35 year old man who laughs like a little school girl who is getting her thing tickled by her sketchy uncle. Too far?

Sox up 1-0 in the 1st with 2 men on and 1 out. Uhhhhhhh.....BAHAHAHAHA

This Is Why We Win Championships.

FOXBOROUGH, Mass. -- Nose tackle Vince Wilfork is practicing again with the New England Patriots. Wilfork attended the first day of the team's mandatory three-day minicamp on Wednesday after skipping all 12 days of voluntary organized team activities. He missed those workouts to emphasize his desire for a new contract to replace the six-year deal that ends after this season. Wilfork made the Pro Bowl in the 2007 season and said he wants to stay with the Patriots, who drafted him out of Miami with the 21st pick in 2004. He said earlier this week he is seeking a contract that makes him comfortable, but is not demanding one of the top deals in the NFL.

Need I say more? You say he missed the 12 days of OTA's. Those were optional bitch. Let's be honest for a second. Just to see how it feels. Wilfork is probably the best defensive player on the Patriots. Now you cannot seriously tell me that the best defensive player on any other team, in the middle of a contract negotiation would report to mini-camp or even the first day of training camp. It just wouldn't happen. And you wanna know why? Because this country is filled with selfish sons of bitches. Like the Pats or not but even fans of Matt Sanchez can't say this is absolutely refreshing for football. Just give the poor guy a respectable contract so he can pull atleast some halfway decent ass. Because trust me, the sluts don't care how much weight you got on your belly. As long as you can pay for their herpes medication then they'll let you play in the bottomless pits.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Remember When Kobe Bryant Raped That Girl?

I'm guilty of it too. I find myself getting enchanted with the Black Mamba's play then I remember that he's a criminal. Who apparently likes to things to females.

Don't call it a comeback

The Rza broke my heart last night when he told me this blog was gone. Now it's back, and I am over-joyed. Lakers are winning the series and tonight's game, so I won't waste time on that. Instead, I'll give you my top five moments from prom weekend.

5. I fought A-Wade. I've always threatened to do it, and I finally did. He wanted his beach chair back, I said hell no and it was on. He may have picked me up and dragged me around, but damn it, I held on to that chair. And when he pinned me to the sand I still had the balls to tell him I had him right where I wanted him. We called it a draw.

4. I guess it is pre-prom, but Liz McNaughton had a great moment the day of DMB. When told that most people were parking in the Benz parking lot, she told them they were wrong and that most people were parking in Mercedes. Then, during prom dinner she said coffee smells like cigarettes. I didn't make that up.

3. I saw three immigrants trying to enter the United States. Ponte, Wade, and Deven took the Seahawk 2 out for a spin off Austin's beach. They looked like a nice group of illegal aliens trying to enter the country. Naturally, Sellberg, Austin, and myself threw rocks at them. Austin nailed Deven and Tommy with the same rock from 50 yards away. Boom, roasted.

2. We finished a game of cheers governor. It took 2.5 hours, but it was awesome. Rule number two: say the word fuck. Rule number three: say an NBA player. Put those two together. Rule number thirteen: Reverse the order. Talk about fucking with your mind. Rule number sixteen: a penis inuendo. The highlight of the night was the "hymen humiliator". Rule number five and eleven were special too. You had to be there.

1. Hearing that story about that person that had this weird thing happen to them. Something went into them that wasn't supposed to be there. It usually hurts, and most people don't like it. You can tell the next day too. You feel awful after. Ashamed and dirty. Like no one will ever love you again. Hahahahaaaaa.

Kobe time. Peace fuckers.

Megan Fox Likes Her Weed.

The Transformers actress admits to GQ that she would be the "first person in line to buy a pack of joints" and that she has no idea why it still has a stigma attached to it. "I can't tell you how much bullshit I've been through because I will openly say that I smoke weed…People look at it like it's this crazy, hippy, fucked up thing to do. And it's not. I hope they legalize it."

Listen, I got no problem with smoking weed and I have no problem with hot bitches. But I do have a problem with babes who like their greenery and I have a real fucking problem(no, I don't have a "fucking" problem. yet) with anyone who talks like their shit don't stink. You can let up with the whole badass look you little bitch. Unless you go out and bring the noise everyday of your life then you should know your role and shut your mouth. I'll tell ya what. This might come as a shock to people but I don't really see what all the fuss is about with this Megan Fox broad. Sure, she has some sex appeal and yada, yada, yada. She just looks mean and excuse me if I'm a fan of nice girls. Thats a dying breed in todays generation and it's absolutely saddening. I couldn't take this girl home to meet mother and thats the final straw for me. You wanna walk around like a slut then be my guest but don't expect to be my wedding date. Would I hit it? Yes. Would I beat the shit out her? Probably. Would I win the fight? Doubtful.

No, Wait. Now The Blog is Back!

Just a day in the life, he says. Keep doin your thing bro. The bitches eat this shit up.
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