Friday, April 1, 2011

Hangover Part 2 Trailer

At first viewing, the Hangover was fucking hilarious. Unlike most shitty comedies, it was also hilarious at the second, third and fourth viewing. The fifth one sucked, but then it got awesome again at the sixth.

Earlier today the trailer for Hangover 2 came out and I got more excited than Lindsay Lohan in a jewelry store. Most of the cast of the first movie return, Ed Helms as Stu, Bradley Cooper as Phil and Zach Galifianakis. Ken Jeong and Mike Tyson both return and apparently Liam Neeson makes a cameo. Mel Gibson was supposed to be in it, but he had a prior arrangement of beating up some women. The plot is pretty much the same thing, the guys go out for a bachelor party and wake up the next morning remembering nothing. This time a monkey replaces the tiger as the obscure animal that seems impossible to actually have.

The trailer looks pretty good and hopefully they won't fuck up the first by making some shitty sequel.

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