Monday, January 18, 2010

Things To Think About While Questioning Freddie Prinze Jr.'s Next Career Move

I don't need to write a whole post about Jack Bauer. I've done that before and it just leads me into a heated discussion with somebody as they yell "but he's not real rza!" Ummm, Ok? and next you're gonna tell me that CTU is fake and most of The Hills is scripted? The point is I feel like shit, I just watched 2 hours of 24 and I took 4 more Mucinex pills than advised so it lead me to this post right here. At this point scroll back up and read the title. I don't know any other way to lead into this next part.

1. Freddie Prinz is the new season of 24. He went from being the ace of the pitching staff from Chatham in Summer Catch to an agent in CTU. Who are his agents? I guess it's a better move than doing another movie where he wants a girl for 75 minutes and the next 10 he tells her how he feels and then they're married or some shit.

2. The NBA plays like 12 afternoon games on MLK day. I think on presidents day I'm gonna get all my friends together and play golf, hockey and maybe some tennis. Possibly close the day out shopping at stores like J.Crew and Gap. I don't know if we'll have enough time, though. I guess we can really just stick it to them by hanging out with something they don't have. Our fathers.

3. I was thinking the other day that you can take any regular conversation you have with a friend and if replace him with an eldery person it becomes instantly hilarious. For example, "Smitty, bro, you're too drunk to drive!" Not funny. "Grandpa, you're too drunk to drive!" A little different feeling to that one.

4. LT to the Pats next year. Book it.

5. Did anybody see 60 Minutes last night where they tried to make a compelling story on why so many Samoans are more likely to play in the NFL than American boys? Uh, I don't know. Maybe because Samoans are fucking huge.

6. Springsteen should get the Superbowl halftime show gig every year until he can't walk anymore. I don't like The Who. It just opens up to many people to make lame jokes when they ask who's performing. Like this: "Hey who's the halftime show this year?" "The Who." "Who?" "The Who" "Oh, so you don't know who's playing."

7. I'd be a fan of Mark Sanchez if he didn't play for the Jets. He was this cool stud when he was at USC but once he became a new yorker I saw him as a cocky queer.

8. Tony Romo throws an interception yesterday and he's in over his head and a wreckless passer. Favre does it and he's just having some fun.

9. How the fuck does George Lopez have a job and Conan doesn't?

10. I'd like to gather Joe Buck, Tim Mccarver, Dan Dierdorf, Dan Donahue, Bradshaw, Tom Jackson, Brian Kelly and Reece Davis in a room and say 3 words. You're motherfucking fired.

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