Tuesday, January 12, 2010

You Mean Those Were 70 Steroid Induced Homers? News To Me

NEW YORK -- Mark McGwire finally came clean, admitting he used steroids when he broke baseball's home run record in 1998, but he also said he didn't need performance-enhancing drugs to hit the long ball. McGwire said in a statement sent to The Associated Press on Monday that he used steroids on and off for nearly a decade. Later Monday, however, he disputed that the drugs gave him more power to hit homers."I was given a gift to hit home runs," he told Bob Costas on MLB Network. He told Costas that studying pitchers and making his swing shorter led to his increase in home runs and that he could have hit them without PEDs. "I truly believe so," McGwire said. "I believe I was given this gift. The only reason I took steroids was for health purposes." During a 20-minute telephone interview with the AP shortly after McGwire released statement, his voice repeatedly cracked.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Your telling me the first half of his playing days he averaged around 35 dingers a year and as he entered the twilight of his career, evolved into a 60-70 home run hitter? I just thought that his God given talent or something. Did he really say that the steroids didn't give him more power to hit homers? He just used it for health reasons? So in other words, if he wasn't on steroids, he'd be feeling the pain of sore muscles and old age, thus effecting his swing and less likely to hit 55 home runs a year at the age of 34. You can't bullshit a bullshitter, Big Mac.

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