Thursday, January 21, 2010

I'm So Sick Of Glen Davis

Boston Celtics forward Glen "Big Baby" Davis shouted an obscenity at a heckling fan during Wednesday night's loss to the Detroit Pistons at The Palace of Auburn Hills, a reaction coach Doc Rivers called "unacceptable" and said might result in a fine or suspension. "Not from me, but he might from the league," Rivers said of possible disciplinary action. "I'm upset that we lost, people call me names, but that's part of the game. If you win the game, it keeps a lot of people quiet." The jeering fan near the Celtics' bench repeatedly called Davis "fat boy" and told him to lose some weight. Davis' response was audible on both the Boston radio and television broadcasts of the game and prompted the fan, according to a report in the Boston Globe, to file a complaint with NBA security. The Globe also reported that the fan, Scott Zack, had been warned earlier about his heckling of Davis. "We know what happened, and that's unacceptable," Rivers said. "It's tough when the fans are yelling that stuff at you, but you have to be stronger than that."

I've never liked Big Baby. He was this cute little clumsy kid when he was rookie but now he's just a fucking punk. It takes a real asshole to break your thumb by punching your best friend in the face. He's not even a baby anymore. 4 years into the league and he's still pulling this shit? It's like he got this ego after last season in the playoffs when he had to fill in for KG. The guy thinks he's entitled to something because of it and it pisses me off. He's just a pussy. That's the only world I can think of when describing Glen Davis. A chubby, overrated pussy. Like Snooki.

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