Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Some Kid Saw BJ in The Dictionary. Boo. Hoo.

A California school district that pulled a dictionary from classrooms because it defined oral sex will allow it back on the shelves. A committee of parents, teachers and administrators decided on Tuesday to permit fourth- and fifth-graders at Oak Meadows Elementary School in Menifee to use Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. However, parents can opt to have their kids use an alternative dictionary. The Riverside County district has 9,000 students and pulled the reference book last week after a parent complained about a child stumbling across the oral sex definition. That led to cries of censorship.

What did you expect? You give 30 kids free time in the library and you think they're just gonna go in the fiction section and read about the Bearington Bears or something? It's a mix between looking at pictures of fighter jets and looking up the definition of fuck, shit, and every other body part. Especially if our pal Noah decided to throw in some illustrations. We all grew a little more hair on our chest on those days. There wasn't a crowd of kids around the Dictionary stand because they were all fascinated by the definition of gasconading. Which means to boast or to brag. Do not test my vocabulary.

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