Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Best Super Bowl Ever?

Is that Carlton? Bahahahahahaha

Listen I don't get excited for games that don't involve Tom Brady. I barely even paid attention last year. I just don't like rooting for anything other than TB or Matty Cassel. But this game has me for some reason. I like offense and I like scoring and I like shots of Kim Kardashian after Reggie Bush muffs a punt. There's something special about this Saints team and I don't know what it is. Maybe it's Drew Brees and how he's the kind of guy I'd take home to meet the parents after a little slap and tickle. Maybe it's how Sean Payton acts like his shit don't stink like some sort of Belichick clone. Who knows. One thing I do know is that the QB of New Orleans isn't Peyton Manning. I don't care how he's silly or the smartest passer of all time. You know what? Blow me. If the Colts win and the media felches Peyton for another month then I will seriously post Never Gonna Give You Up once a day for 4 months. Nothing else. Just you watching Rick Astley every fucking day. For 120 straight days. I might even do you one better and just post a different Rick Astley video. Have you ever heard another Rick Astley song? Venture on over to youtube and let your ears bleed. Or I could just put up the preview for Dear John. I miss you so much it hurts.

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