Friday, January 15, 2010

The One Where Pauly D Is Stalked By An Israeli

2 hours worth of Jersey Shore was too much to handle. It was like the people vs. The Situation. It's about time that kid got smacked around, physically and verbally. It just sucks they waited for the last 2 weeks to let loose on each other. I don't what else to say besides letting the quotes and scenes speak for themselves.

-First off, it's not a great idea to knock a kid a out then run away screaming, "one shot!" and use self defense as your excuse. Especially when you hunted him down like a gorilla. C'mon Ronnie.

-Jwoww, get a fucking grip. You needed someone to walk you to your room? When the club was in the hotel that your staying at? Really? Why don't you cut the bullshit and tell the Situation that you just wanted to give him a blow j for 30 minutes while everyone was still partying. The only person that deserved to get smacked was her for being an epic cock block.

- Vinny and The Situation further proved my first impression of them. They're complete bitches. All tough talk and no fight. Stop bickering like little women and throw some haymakers. That's one reason I respect Ronnie.

-Someone needs to get Sammi booted off the show. She sucks. Plain and simple. Ronnie too. They're such buzz kills. Go on couples retreat or some bullshit.

"I'm gonna be honest with you right now. The only thing we care about is gettin' girls. Gettin girls and goin' to the gym" - The situation when asked about how he feels about sammi/ronnie

-I don't think there has ever been a character on television who has gone from hated to loved in such a short time. Snooks is the best. Cute little bitch. She just wants to hang man. "Lets go wild. Blow it out the water."

"Girl could shake it. Drop it like it's hot girl!" - The sitch

-Was that Channing Tatum who hooked up with Snooki?

-I wanna know how many times The Situation has said, "dude, c'mon this is totally ruining my night right now"

"I don't even understand that religion or what it is. I just wanna get to the business." Pauly D

Snooki has a couple rolls. You don't call a chick out on her weight but she started it off by throwing the daggers. Nobody likes to hear that the rest of the house hates them.

-I don't believe that Snooki had an eating disorder in high school. She's way too chubby. Go run some laps.

The new toast to the weekend. "what it is, bro, what it is." Thanks Ron

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