Sunday, January 17, 2010

People Keep Asking Where I Stand On The NFL Playoffs

If you even thought Baltimore or Arizona had a shot yesterday then you're an idiot. Yeah, Arizona put up a billion points on Green Bay but that's Green Bay. Not New Orleans. Aaron Rodgers isn't Drew Brees and Ryan Grant has half the electricity that Reggie Bush has. It's just a whole other monster the Cards had to deal with last night.

Indy beat Baltimore. No shit. Not even gonna comment on it. Baltimore shouldn't have been in that game. I guess I just miss Wes Welker still.

Dallas/Vikings. This is gonna be a dandy today. I love Favre as a player but hate him as a man. He's actually a poor excuse for a man. But Tony Romo is a poor excuse for a football player and both coaches are gonna be poor in 3 years when they're out of a job. The thing about NFL playoffs is it's all about who's hot and who's not. Last year Arizona came ripping in with guns blazing and ended up getting into the final game. Is anyone playing better than Dallas in the past 3 weeks? But Minnesota hasn't lost at home all year. Like I said, it's gonna be a motherfucking buttlicking dandy.

San Diego/New York. C'mon. The Sanchize dies and Rex Ryan cries. San Diego is scary. That one should end before it even begins. Vegas has the Chargers winning by 7. I'm telling you they'll win by double digits. Mark it down and take it to the bank.

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