Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Let Me Throw My Tonight Show Hat Into The Ring

First off, enough with the argument that DVR was the cancer that caused Jay Leno's 10 PM show to never take off. That's just bullshit. I could see that being said about Fallon's show or even Conan but even 70 year old wenches are still watching the TV at 10 PM. Leno's show failed because it sucked. Plain and simple. It was awkward to watch. It's like Hulk Hogan in the ring. When your time is up, your time is up. Nobody wants to see some 60 year old guy recycling jokes and playing the same games he has for 15 years. Leno just isn't smart enough and maybe that's why America sucks. It's a known fact he and Letterman both had to dumb their shows down to make it at the 11:35 time slot. They'd rather watch him with his safe, broad type of humor rather than the smart/witty comedy that has come to define Conan and his show for years and it's fucking shameful. Maybe he'd fit better on a network like Comedy Central where he can mold his own destiny. It's the same reason why guys like Jon Stewart and Colbert have been so successful. By not being on cabel television they're allowed more of a free reign on the spectrum and are able to be a little more edgy. That's why Stewart is able to push his annoying liberal agenda. Then again, a bunch of red necks in the south aren't going to laugh at anything on the Daily Show so it's kind of a "lose one to get one" sort of game you play.

At the end of the day I just wish NBC would give Conan the chance that he deserves and that he earned. He's shown he can carry a franchise on his name alone for years before so what's the thinking that he can't do it now? Maybe it's me but I feel like he's one of the last good guys of entertainment. Letterman gives off this creepy old man vibe and Leno is continuing to expose himself as a self centered jackass who wants nothing more than to see himself on TV and hear himself talk, not giving a shit about who it hurts in the long run.

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