Monday, January 25, 2010

Issue Of The Day. OTH Or 'Cuse Game?

Let's say I have this friend who loves Syracuse. He's what you would call a man's man. You got a story about a particular female and he'll top it. Just give the fucker a beer and it's game on. But this friend has another side to him. He's emotional. Some would even say he's sensitive. Syracuse is ranked 4th in the country and has a game against the 12th ranked Hoyas from Georgetown on national television. And here's the problem. The second half of the game will probably start around 8. THE SAME TIME AS ONE TREE HILL. This isn't just some episode you can blow off. Julian and Brooke broke up and some other shit is going on inside the house. So is it gay to watch One Tree Hill and flip to the game during commercials? I gotta know. I mean my friend has to know. DVR is not an option because How I Met Your Mother is also on at 8. That's a good fucking show. I know a lot of guys who watch it. Over the age of 30. Fuck it. Would it be helpful to throw in that 24 is on at 9 to cancel out all the homosexuality?

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