Friday, January 1, 2010

All Gilbert Wants To Do Is Pop, Pop, Pop Then Take Ya Monayyyy

NEW YORK -- Washington Wizards teammates Gilbert Arenas and Javaris Crittenton drew guns on each other during a Christmas Eve locker room argument over a gambling debt, according to the New York Post. Last week, the Wizards and Arenas acknowledged that Arenas had stored unloaded firearms in a container in his locker, and the NBA said it was looking into the situation. It was during that investigation that a confrontation between Arenas and Crittenton was revealed, according to a Yahoo! Sports report. The dispute stemmed from an unspecified disagreement, sources told Yahoo! Sports. Citing an anonymous source, the New York Post reported in Friday's edition, however, that the standoff was sparked when Crittenton became angry at Arenas for refusing to make good on a gambling debt. That prompted Arenas to draw on Crittenton, who then also grabbed for a gun, league security sources told the New York Post.

I wanna nominate this for one of the top stories of 2010. It's just too funny. Like what did people expect? He's not nicknamed Agent Double Zero for nothing. Obviously he has a gun on him at all times. And I don't mean to be racist but these "types" of people are always fighting over women or an unpaid debt and they always end the same. Pull my gun out and see who's man enough to pull the trigger. Credit it to watching John Wayne movies throughout their childhood or something. Not like they had a father to tell them any other way. Too far?

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