Thursday, July 7, 2011

NHL Referee Appears Out of Nowhere

Every so often a video gets posted on the intertubes that takes it by storm. This is one of those videos. The video is from a 2009 NHL playoffs game but didn't get posted until yesterday. It already has over 60,000 views. Shit is hotter than Hansel. The video is from a game between the Chicago Blackhawks and Detroit Red Wings and a referee just appears out of nowhere. Watch this 50 times and try to tell me where this ref comes from.

I think I'm on my 473rd viewing of this video and I still have no fucking clue where the ref came from. Some of my theories:

1. He used a Super Mario warp pipe
2. DeLorean
3. Used some Harry Potter "Floo Powder"
4. Hot Tub Time Machine
5. It's the pleats. It's actually an optical illusion. It's the pattern on the pants.

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