Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Free Puppy Alert! Free Puppy Alert!

Canton, Conn - A Canton woman who considers herself a friend of animals is in hot water for how she treated them. Police arrested 28-year-old Jessica Yazmer at her Collinsville apartment after discovering more than three dozen dogs and cats inside. Yazmer faces one charge of animal cruelty, and is in the hospital being evaluated. Meanwhile the pets she had with her are at a pair of boarding kennels in town. Neighbor Larry Lagace didn't call police, but someone else did, complaining about barking coming from one of the apartment next door, and that's not all. "You know the smell, sometimes it's terrible," Lagace said. Police found inside Yazmer's apartment about 30 dogs, cages with fecal matter, dehydrated younger and older dogs, some without enough food. Yazmer's Facebook page says she graduated from Simsbury High School, and went to the University of Connecticut majoring in animal science. "We're still looking into it. We don't know where she worked at, and I think it's more of a taking in dogs to care for, like a hoarding-type situation," said Canton Deputy Chief Donald Hull.

Somebody tell Brady we're moving his cat bed to the basement and times are gonna be tough for him for a little while. How awesome is this? These aren't some abused, one eyed bandit dogs we're talking about here. These are just a bunch of cute pups who fell into the hands of a crazy bitch with a hoarding problem. This is just fantastic. I seriously can't hold in my excitement as I'm typing this. You know how the best day of all time was when the pet shop opened it's doors for puppy petting hour? No? Well they did once and this fucking tops it. This tops the feeling I had the day after I lost my V-card. And that was a big day because I was getting handshakes left and right like I was Teddy fucking Schidel on Memorial Day.

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