Thursday, September 23, 2010

Joaquin Phoenix Reveals 2009 Letterman Appearance Was Fake & For Movie

Joaquin Phoenix appeared on "Late Night with David Letterman" last night in his highly anticipated return since he was on the show on February 11, 2009. He confirmed the rumors that he's a nut-job and does more blow than Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton combined it was all fake/staged and was for his new movie called "I'm Still Here", directed by Casey Affleck.

Apparently Joaquin and Casey came up with the idea for the movie while watching reality television where much of it is staged but the viewers believe it all to be true because the characters use their real names and are told it is reality. They then decided to tell the world that Joaquin was retiring from acting to pursue a rap career and see how the media and public responded to it. Joaquin grew an awesome beard and then remained in character while going out in public and doing interviews so they could secretly film the movie.

late night with david letterman joaquin phoenix casey affleck fake hoax mel gibson paris hilton
A few months after the retirement announcement Joaquin made his famous appearance on Letterman. There were reports that Letterman was in on it but he's denying it and even asked Joaquin to verify that in the interview last night. I would believe him except for the fact that this whole thing is about lying to the public because they'll believe it. Hey Letterman, why don't you go bang some more grenades. I want to believe the February 2009 interview was real because it was so awesome that it will never be duplicated...not even if Letterman's guests were Mel Gibson and Paris Hilton and Mel got drunk and beat Paris until drugs fell out of her vagina. Alright, that might top it.

Fun fact: Casey Affleck is married to Joaquin Phoenix's hot sister.

The interview is below:

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