Wednesday, September 29, 2010

This Is Who I'm Rooting For Now

It's no secret I'm a San Fran fan. It's that homosexual population that pulls me in or something. Always liked the Giants. I'm pretty sure I've picked them every year to come out of the National League to play the Sox in the World Series every year. That would be my dream match up. Everyone talks about a Cubs/Boston series but San Fran/Boston would be dope as fuck. 2 best stadiums in the league in my opinion. the Giants are a likeable bunch of guys with the exception of their closer who's a bigger tool than Donahue. This really has nothing to do with anything but isn't kind of crazy how Barry Bonds has been pretty much erased from baseball? His records and shit still stand but you never hear anybody talk about him or the 2001 season when he clubbed like 90 dingers while on the juice. Same with Marvin Harrison and Allen Iverson. But back to the Giants. Sandoval is a dude. Buster Posey might be the best young catcher in the game. Freddy Sanchez and Renteria are bother former Sox players and I've never heard anyone say a rude thing about Tim Lincecum or Matt Caine. Go Giants.

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