Monday, September 20, 2010

Hartford Whalers Are Back. Sort Of.

Howard Baldwin has finally gotten his wish. A deal allowing Baldwin and Whalers Sports & Entertainment to assume control of the business operations of Hartford's American Hockey League franchise was reached Sunday, according to sources close to the negotiations. The name of the team will be changed from the Hartford Wolf Pack, but not to the Connecticut Whalers as many had expected. The New York Rangers' top affiliate will be known as the Connecticut Whale. "Based on internal discussions and significant feedback from both Whalers fans and Wolf Pack fans, we've chosen a name that touches on our past but also signifies this new era in Hartford hockey," one source close to Baldwin said. "Fans have always referred to the Hartford Whalers as the 'The Whale,' so it's a very familiar name."

The Hartford Whale? You might be shocked to hear this but I fucking hate that name. It's dumb as shit.  The Whale? Is there only one player on the team? Are you saying Hartford is full of fat chicks? Because in reality it's filled with black and hispanic people, other wise known as "convicts." Wolf Pack was just such a simple thing. The Pack. That's a team name. It wasn't the Hartford Wolf. Wolves run in a packs and work together. What do Whales do? I know what Whalers do but what the fuck is so great about being a whale? It's pretty much pissing in the wound of every fan who is still distraught over the Whalers moving to Carolina. It's like when a dude gets dumped by a hot blonde, he then attacks a brunette as a rebound to totally get over the girl which is great but in the end you're always left thinking about the blonde. The one you really love, the one who got away. This situation is no different.

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