Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Amy Poehler To Host Saturday Night Live Premiere, Katy Perry as Musical Guest

amy poehler katy perry saturday night live snl

amy poehler katy perry saturday night live snl

Yesterday it was announced that Amy Poehler will be hosting the Saturday Night Live Season 36 premiere and Katy Perry will be the musical guest. The episode is two weeks from this Saturday (September 25). You should know by now that Katy Perry is an "Ugg Boots For Men" favorite so reading this made me happy in pants. SNL has been pretty weak the past few years (except for the Taylor Swift episode) but they can redeem themselves by just having Katy dress like this - or this, or this, or this. Katy seems to love wearing latex outfits these days so we can only hope they dress her in lots more because they are a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen.

amy poehler katy perry saturday night live snl
Oh yeah, Amy Poehler - completely forgot that she was hosting. She's pretty funny so this episode might not be half bad.

Bryan Cranston, fresh off his 3rd straight Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series (Breaking Bad), will host the 2nd episode on October 2 and everyone's favorite lesbian cheerleading coach, Jane Lynch, will host the 3rd episode on October 9.


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