Monday, September 13, 2010

Joaquin Phoenix to Appear on Letterman AGAIN

Joaquin Phoenix will be appearing on "Late Night with David Letterman" next Wednesday, September 22. This is awesome news because the last time he was on Letterman was more awkward than someone walking in on you while you're taking a crap. And who doesn't love watching awkward situations?

That appearance, back on February 11, 2009, was largely publicized but I'm really not sure what the hell Joaquin has been up to since. It was one of the best late night interviews of all-time...OF ALL-TIME! About 3-4 months before the interview Joaquin announced that he was retiring from acting because he wanted to focus on his rap career. He then went into hibernation for the winter months and came out right after Groundhog Day looking like he does in the video below. He has to be on every drug imaginable and some we don't even know about.

If you haven't seen the interview you need to watch it and if you have seen it watch it again.

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