Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My 21st Birthday Better Be Just Like This

I could do without the Oompa-Loompas though. I don't work well with orange midgets who have weird fucking hair. It's exactly the reason why Togs never made it on this blog and tina cuatto will never make out with me. And no cake either. I don't eat that shit. How do you think I'm able to keep this tight figure? I'm just curious as to how one goes about ordering some Oompas for a party. Who do you call? "Hey man, do you remember or have to number for that midget factory we used for the new years party? Yeah, the midgets. Ya know the real small people? No I don't want children. I think that's illegal. Maybe not in Asia but that's not the point. I want midgets. Full grown midgets. And if we can paint their body orange and throw a wig on them to completely de-humanize them, that'll be perfect."

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