Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lion Attacks Trainer at MGM Grand

Lions are pretty fucking scary animals. I mean, just look at this one. All kidding aside, a lion attacked a trainer at an exhibit at the MGM Grand hotel in Las Vegas a few days ago. The lion just sort of jumped at the trainer and went at him, biting his arm and leg. Luckily, the trainer was not seriously hurt, as this could have been way way worse. Who am I kidding, seeing a lion eat a trainer while tons of people watched would have been pretty hilarious.

My favorite part of the video is when the lion's wife tries to stop him from attacking, once again proving girls are weak and controlling. It's like, jesus let your man do what he wants, he's hungry. This situation is pretty much exactly like when all I want to do on Sundays is eat a bunch of wings and watch football all day but my wife is nagging me, trying to get me to exercise and mow the lawn. Yeah I lied, I'm not married. But if I was I'd imagine that's what would be happening.

The shittiest part about this incident is that we are going to have to listen to all the animal nut-jobs who are going to come out of the woodworks and argue that animals shouldn't be in captivity because it makes them more hostile. Then they will show us videos like this to argue their point.

"This is normal"???? That's about as "normal" as if Lady Gaga banged Glenn Beck.

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