Thursday, September 9, 2010

This Is Why The Jets Are Going 0-16

FLORHAM PARK, N.J. -- Ray Lewis sounded like he's fed up with the amount of hype surrounding the New York Jets. Join the ever-expanding club, Ray. Managing to out-talk the trash talkers, the Baltimore RavensDarrelle Revis and Mark Sanchez, suggesting the Jets -- Ryan, in particular -- yap too much for a team that hasn't won anything. "We're talking about the Jets like we're talking about the Saints," Lewis told reporters in Baltimore. "Those are the only people that can be dethroned: Drew Brees and the Saints, not Mark Sanchez and the Jets." The only danger is writing a check you can't cash," Lewis said. "That's pressure on his players. Rex can talk all he wants to, but Rex ain't putting on the pads. ... At some point, you put that bull's-eye on your head. They're doing all this talking, like they're in the Super Bowl. OK, do what you do, but come Monday night, the whistle is going to blow and somebody is going to get hit."

I didn't use to like Ray Lewis because he murdered a guy but I'm starting to turn the corner on him.  Have you ever had some bitch just go on a rant completely shut you up? I think it's what the black folk call "getting served" and that's exactly what Rex Ryan got. His old prized jewel of the Ravens defense stood up and told Sexy Rexy to shut the fuck up and sit down. Let the players play because last I checked New York went 9-7 last year, got butt fucked in the AFC championship game and now we wanna crown them champions? I don't care what anybody says about how good the defense is and that I'm developing a man crush on Sanchez. You're not winning games with your QB throwing 12 TD's and 20 Interceptions a year.

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