Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Revis Is Going To Get Torched. TORCHED.

Revis dominated Moss in both meetings last season, prompting the New England Patriots' wide receiver to remark Tuesday that he "prided [his] offseason on staying off Revis Island." When Revis heard that comment, he smiled, taking it as a psychological victory. "Obviously, if he's speaking that ... I'm sure it was on his mind in the offseason," the Jets' star cornerback said Wednesday. Moss apparently is fired up for the meeting. In an ESPN SportsCenter interview Tuesday, he said, "We're coming to the Meadowlands on Sunday, man, so you got 60 minutes of this 'Slouch.'" The rivalry has made a 180-degree turn. A year ago, it was Revis who felt disrespected. Now Moss is doing the chirping, issuing a challenge. "I guess that's what he's been worrying about all offseason, staying off Revis Island," Revis said. "I'm sure he's going to come well-prepared Sunday, and I'm sure he's going to have some tricks up his sleeve."

I know 6 people in this world that you don't piss off so much that they then become motivated. General Douglas Macarthur, Sean Avery, The Situation, Kobe Bryant, myself and Randy Moss. I mean who the fuck is Revis kidding with this "psychological victory" bullshit? Moss is more pissed off than the time somebody pissed in his Wheaties. Yeah Revis only had 3 TD's against him last year but you know who had one of them? Randy Moss, the best down field receiver in the history of the NFL.  Something tells me Moss is going to have a HUGE game. I'm talking 100 yards, 12 catches and 1 touchdown and the Pats hang 28 points. I actually hope they focus all the energy on Moss because then it opens up the passing game for Welker, Edelman, Tate and the 2 best rookie TE's in the game.

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