Friday, September 10, 2010

Are We Supposed To Feel Bad?

Inside their struggle? I'm broke? Hey bitch, I'm broke too but you don't see me trying to get famous on TV because I was a big slut in high school. I don't feel bad for these chicks. Just too trashy to be on some Jersey Shore level of fame. They weren't born pregnant or with some disability like gay people. At least they had a choice like, "oh, hey maybe I'll put this condom on this idiot's dick or maybe I'll go on birth control like the other 90% of America. Nahhh I'll get knocked up, not put my baby up for adoption and hopefully spin in into some MTV show where people can feel bad for me and watch me struggle." I mean wake the fuck up. And yeah Farrah's baby daddy is dead but that doesn't give her an excuse to be a cold bitch to everybody in her life. She's the C-word and I never use the C-word but she defines the C-word.

Clinically he is severely obese? Is that a medical term?

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