Thursday, September 30, 2010

In Case You Didn't Hate Lebron James, Now You Do

HURLBURT FIELD, Fla. -- LeBron James and his manager say they believe race played a factor in how the two-time reigning NBA MVP's decision to join the Miami Heat was covered this summer. Neither James nor his manager, Maverick Carter, cited specifics when talking to CNN for a story that aired Wednesday night. James did not want to spend much time on the subject after Thursday's Heat practice. "I think people are looking too far into it," James said. "But at the same time, sometimes it does play a part in it. I've said what I had to say, and I'll continue to move on." pondent Soledad O'Brien asked about "The Decision," the one-hour special on ESPN in which James announced that he would play for the Heat, and some of the negative headlines it generated. "It's just about control and not doing it the way it's always been done or not looking the way that it always looks," Carter said. O'Brien asked if race played a role. "I think so at times," James said. "It's always, you know, a race factor." Said Carter: "It definitely played a role in some of the stuff coming out of the media, things that were written for sure."

This might sound crazy but Lebron James might be a bit of a moron.  I mean did he really pull the race card on us? Really? Did Jesse Jackson or Johnny Cochran become his agent and manager over night or something? I don't hate Lebron because he's black and I'm sure nobody hates the guy only because he's black. First he was an egotistical asshole who shit on his hometown in front of a national audience but now he's all of that plus an idiot. They used to talk about how mature and smart Lebron was but really? He's hated because he's black? Like 90% of the rest of the league? Do people hate Kevin Durant? Last time I checked he was pretty black, too. It's like that episode of Entourage when E's client gets fired from the show so he asks Ari what to do and he says if all else fails, pull the race card. So E calls the race card and Ari is shocked and because nobody could ever be that stupid and desperate to pull the race card. Well. Lebron James is in fact that stupid. Get over yourself. You're not that important.

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