Sunday, January 18, 2009

I'd Say This Is A Must-Win Game, Eh?

3:10- I missed the first 10 minutes of this ball fest 'cause I was having my own ball fest. Jooooke. Apparently Mcnabb attended Syracuse University. Ummm this is news to me.

3:16- Aint that americcaaaa.

3:21- 4 for 4 44 yards 1 TD. Warner must've been talkin to God last night. 7-0

3:25 somewhere in between me trying to comprehend last nights events and applying ice to bruises Eagles score. 7-3 red birds. Sells I was cruisin on facebook and that big ass chick writes or whatever aint worth porkin. Looks like too much "baggage" and by "baggage" I mean herpes. what up bobbi!?

3:31- That's not a first down Kurttt. Tiger Woods lookin riiight in that black suit. I turned the channel by the way. Awful public speaker. It's like the worst accident I ever seeeennnn.

3:35- DESEAN! You gotta catch those balls. He catches balls like I land punches. How's that ear?

3:36 Mcnabb pisses me right the fuck off with these ill obliged passes. That's what Joe Buck wanted to say. He's pissed right the fuck off.

3:37- CATCH THE FOOTBALL. nigger.

3:38 Hank Baskett is not a faggot today. Nice catch. Really really noice.

3:39 I just realized this is the last game mr enthusiastic Joe Buck calls a game till the sox start winning the AL east. getcha popcorn ready

3:45 Akers hooks it like his name is Dylan Sellberg. eassyy nowww.

3:48 Blown coverage on the eagles. Fitzy is a man beast I tell you. Fucking man beast. 14-3.

3:55- I'll say it again. Kevin Curtis= a poor man's wes welker.

3:58- Sweet. At this rate of 1 FG for TD WE'LL NEVER WIN. I quit. I'll be back if Eagles start playing and the refs take their thumbs out their ass. what up bobbi!?

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