Monday, January 19, 2009

All hail fitzgerald

All Hail god of wide recievers Larry Fitzgerald, honestly this guy can do no wrong. In yesturdays game Larry had the midas touch with 9 receptions for 152 yards and 3 tds. This guy is unstoppable, undeniable, unbelievable, and unforgettable. I think the Steelers DB's are gonna have there hands filled with larry on superbowl sunday. Thanks to him Kurt Warner has come back from the dead this year.
Lets talk about Matt Leinhart what a busttttt, coming out a year to late really hurt this guys career, and I'm not talking about the draft. Matt is now a recovering alcoholic, and still partying with the younger girls. "Thats what I love about high school girls, I keep getting older and they stay the same age." - Matt Leinhart, Dan Donahue, Dazed and Confused.

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