Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Real Housewives of Orange County? You Bet.

Ohh Rza you're so gay, you watch One Tree Hill and the first 30 minutes of Brokeback Mountain and The Hills is in your top 10 favorite shows and Tom Brady would be your lover if you had your druthers. All would be correct. Except if I had my druthers, my body would always be pointing in the Norheast, just slightly past the direction in which the tallest peak of the highest hill in the western hemisphere stands so that myself and my creator would always be with the highest point of the sun. So suck on that you fucking fruitcakes. Real housewives is the real deal. You want to see true love then look no further. We have gretchen, a 30 year old blonde bombshell who is engaged to some old fuck named whatever. Oh, it just so happens this old guy is suffering from pancreatic cancer. How convenient! I haven't seen a worse rope-a-dope than when my girl kendra porked Hugh just to get with Hank "you're a faggot" Baskett. I guess that makes no sense. Anyway, these cunts on this show are some of the worst human beings alive. All they do is talk shit behind eachothers back, talk about how fat their friend is and try to force the poor lady into buying sex toys. Honestly ladies? You're all made out of plastic. Stick anything that vibrates into you and you'll just shatter. Or melt? Ladies are a bunch of cougars if you ask me. Call it homo but if you wanna get saved from the cold then this is the church of milfs and everyday is sunday. This is one of the most pointless posts I've ever written.

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