Friday, January 30, 2009

Is This Kid For Real?

Is this fucker serious with this shit? You gotta be shitting me. An entire album dedicated to a u-19 premier team uniform and fancy awards? Hey, I got a picture of myself in my basement but that's also because I'm one badass motherfucker. But back to basic. I'm not one to bash somebody publicly based on their facebook. Oh, wait, yes I am. How do you even have a u-19 team in the spring? Like is it made up of kids who couldn't meet grade requirements to go college or were not good enough to play for a college team? And an entire album dedicated to pictures of you and your new uniform. Please remember us little people when you're leading Turkey to a world cup. I feel like I should fucking bow to you every god damn time you post new pictures of your godly self on facebook. After all you are the weathersfield #1 GK. Or were. You're not in high school anymore. Probably should have thought that one through before you made that screenname huh? Someone needs to put this cocky fuck in his place before he gets a taste of the real world. I'm worried about what our little pele is going to do next. Probably post highlight videos of himself on his facebook and youtube. Ohhhh, he already does that. Thaat's riighttt. I mean every soccer player has their own highlight video because it's not like soccer is the ultimate team sport or anything. Do us all a favor and go kill yourself.

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