Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Saw this yesterday and wasn't going to comment on it. Saw it again this morning on sportscenter and decided I have nothing better to do. Steelers are getting ready for the big superbowl win this sunday by bashing their opposition. Very class ladies. Oh, Wait. They're playing the Cardinals? But that's a picture of Tom Brady isn't it? I honestly used to respect Steelers fans a bit until this disgusting display of bitchassness. I'm sorry Big Ben isn't Tom Brady. He's not even Matt Cassel. Gotta love how the rest of the league is obsessed with us. I guess being the patriots we're always on the mind of other fans. Must be a Championship thang. Tom will enjoy his ring. All 3 of them. And a handfull of MVP trophies to go along. Lets get ready to put that asterisk next to the superbowl winner.

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