Thursday, January 15, 2009

Doug Reinhardt: What a Player?

Why do we speak of this stud? Reports say he just recently brook up with that annoying Amanda bitch who got her start on Nickelodean. Back in the day, I swear if I ever caught that no talent cunt on the street I'd pull her card and save her from her piece of shit career. But that is neither here nor there. This Dougie character always touted himself as a professional baseball player on The Hills, thus prompting me to wikipedia his stats. He doesn't even have a wikipedia page. Even Freddie Mitchell has a wikipedia page. You were on The Hills for a whole season and you couldn't get some horny 16 year old girl to write bullshit for you? She must have seen your baseball stats fella. Big guy has a .201 lifetime batting average with a whopping 2 career home runs, 17 RBI's, 8 doubles, and 52 hits. In 3 seasons of Single-A ball. Oh, you're bad. Seriously, You're fucking terrible. Look out for Dougie to be your big sleeper pick in this years fantasy draft. I'm thinking about going to LA and telling these dimwit blondes that I'm a professional soccer player. C'mon baby, college is the minor leagues for Manchester United. Everyone knows that.

Venture on over to for a good chuckle. And in no way was that me promoting him.

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