Sunday, January 11, 2009

THIS JUST IN...start reading or ill stop posting

The philadelphia football eagles pull another one off in the meadowlands. I called this one right on, McNabb lead the team like a champ...just like i said he would. The giants shitty play-calling didn't do them very much justice either. Steve Spagnfdsulo wont find a job too easily after that game. Eli got stood up on his fourth downs, jacobs turned into a bitch on his third downs, it was just poor play. Says Billy Bayne, ex-capitan of the JV westminister football team
bbaynenyg: (6:33:55 PM) the sneak was retarded they did
bbaynenyg: (6:33:59 PM) get your fucking pads down
bbaynenyg: (6:34:04 PM) first thing they teach you in football

yes...philadelphia to Arizona

San Diego at Pittsburgh:Pittsburgh
Honestly, do the San Diego (lack of a charge)ers think they have a shot in this game?? With Pittsburgh well rested, and Big Ben at nearly 100%...the Chargers are in for a serious ass whoopin'. With the big dog Tomlinson out, the chargers are going to have to settle for the rather Shitzu like player Darren Sproles. Yeah, hes quick, but the crazed hawaiian Troy Polamalu should send him back to the playground after he hits him once. Look for Willie beamin Parker to run for 1000000 yards against the San Diego defense with out their stuffer Merriman (roidless). Final score: terrible towel stomping on Sunday------that should sum up todays game...because i was about 97% correct...Pitt and Baltimore seems to be a thriller next sunday

Takashi Saito signs with boston...the RedSox are officially being re-named the changsox, because now 3/4 of their team is straight out of the gook-pot. Matsuzaka okajima saito papelbon..what....oh behave. How do you blindfold a sox player??

with a piece of dental floss

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