Monday, October 5, 2009

"You're My Wife." And then She Says, "Yeah, And You're Drunk"

One Tree Hill is back bitches. But Lucas Keith Scott is not. It's honestly the biggest piece of shit show I have ever seen on TV. All the same faces and some new ones. Like Nathan Scott now has an agent. This motherfucker went from not being able to walk, to being an alcoholic, then coaching at his former high school only to actually get coached by one of his players who inspires him to return to the game. Oh, and then the black kid gets shot at a gas station because we all know you can't have more than 1 black guy on a sitcom. White america would get too scared. anyway. It gets better. Then he signs on to what is essentially a Slam Ball league. Yeah, that shit where these queens jump around on a trampoline and dunk the basketball. Apparently the NBA loves this shit and would love to sign our boy to a D-league team. Yada, yada, yada. The Charlotte Bobcats then want to sign him as a PG. Even though they have a plethora of guards. Nathan Scott has a breakout year of course and now he's looking for a new contract. Did I mention that there's a sex scandal involving him and another broad who claims to be preggers with his child which then in turn puts his career in jeopardy. Yuuuppppp. and I only have one thought left. REALLY!??!?! LIKE REALLY!?!?!

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