Friday, October 30, 2009

Wait. He Was Available and We Signed Smoltz and Penny?

Is anyone thinking that Theo Epstein is a tad overrated as a GM? I'm not saying that Pedro would be the secret ingredient to be playing deep into October but he would have been a lot better than Smoltz and fat ass. I don't really see anything wrong with the deal besides the front office who still has hurt feelings from when he walked. The fans love him, he loves the big stage and Yankee fans can't fucking stand him. It's a win-win-win. Michael Scott couldn't have drawn it up any better. But what good move has Theo made in the past 4 years? I'd still want Manny over Bay. Maybe we don't win 2007 without Beckett but we'd have Hanley at shortstop instead the flavor of the week and all those terrible signings like Lugo are erased. I'll stop there because the road down the "what if" game is a cold and lonely place. Like what if Donahue's dad wore a condom?

P.S. Where did A-roid go?

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