Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hey, Look. Another Asshole Is Coming To NY

The Cleveland Browns have agreed to trade troubled wide receiver Braylon Edwards to the New York Jets. In the deal, first reported by ESPN NFL Insider Adam Schefter, the Jets agreed to send key special teams player Jason Trusnik, wide receiver Chansi Stuckey and a pair of draft picks to Cleveland. In Edwards, the Jets obtained a receiver that gives rookie quarterback Mark Sanchez the legitimate deep threat that the Jets have lacked -- and a player facing an NFL investigation for off-the-field trouble.

I used to like Braylon Edwards. Any guy who wants to take on the likes of Lebron is a friend of mine. There was a time when him, Brady Quinn and Kellin Winslow were my Chase Utleys of the NFL if you will (don't ask. Everyone knows about my love affair with Chase Utley). But now Edwards just came to the team I hate the most. It's like yeah, we were cool until you boned the chick that dumped me on homecoming night. Now I gotta take you on Jerry Springer and beat your ass legally. I don't know if this makes any sense. First post before 10 AM. Ever.

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