Monday, October 26, 2009

The NBA Season Starts Tomorrow

This smells like the year. As long as Doc Rivers and Danny Ainge stop with their smear campaign against Rajon Rondo then I don't see any reason for the right team not to reclaim their spot on top of the NBA stage. I don't really understand the people who doubt Kg's health. Even if he's not 100%, I'd still have rather have a 75% Garnett over a 100% Pau Gasol. And I'm pretty sure a guy who isn't reasonably healthy wouldn't be going up for 2 alley oops a game during a meaningless pre-season contest so let's put that rumor to rest. Did I mention we have Rasheed Wallace coming off the bench? Nice little insurance policy there. And I really like Marquis Daniels as a guy who can run the point or come in to be a swinger. But let's be real. How can you not be excited for this NBA season? There's probably 6 or 8 teams that have already locked in their playoff bid and the competition is all pretty equal. The magic and Celts will contend for #1 in the east. Not the Cavs. Fuck the Cavs. If you think for a second that Shaq was the missing piece to Lebron's puzzle then you're a moron. Shaq is a phony. He can go on all these shows and play like he's embracing being the 2nd or 3rd option in Cleveland but his past history says otherwise. The bottom line is he's an attention whore and you can't change those types of bitches no matter how hard you try. He kicked himself off Kobe's team and I got a funny little feeling that he wasn't traded from Miami strictly for financial reasons. Even Steve Nash had a hard time warming up to the big guy and word on the street is Steve Nash could confide in a brick wall if it gave him the time of day. It's only a matter of time before he starts calling for the ball and making that locker room uncomfortable. Ya know what? I don't think he's even the best center on that team so tough titties, tommy ponte. Maybe next year. The Portland Trailblazers are my San Francisco Giants of basketball. Don't act like you don't know about my love affair with Rudy Fernandez. Give them 3 years and they'll be the pissing on fucks like Kobe and Sasha(not obama's daugher).

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