Monday, October 5, 2009

Braylon Vs. Lebron's Little Friend

BEREA, Ohio -- LeBron James called Cleveland Browns receiver Braylon Edwards "childish" for allegedly punching James' friend early Monday morning outside of a Cleveland night club. James said Edwards punched Edward Givens, a friend of James' and a promoter with a Cleveland marketing firm who was working outside the club around 2:30 a.m. ET. "I've never crossed paths with Braylon before, but it seems like there's a little jealousy going on with Braylon and me and my friends. I have no idea why," the Cavaliers superstar said after practice. "I've never said anything to Braylon at all. But for him to do that is very childish. My friend is 130 pounds. Seriously. It's like hitting one of my kids. It doesn't make sense."

Ooohhhhhhh snappppp! Braylon is jealous of Lebron and his crew? Seems like we gotta little Audrina/stephanie pratt vs. Kristen and her butt sluttin ways rivalry over here in Cleveland. Now, I'm not gonna point the finger at anyone in particular here but it's kind of fucked up to start throwing haymakers at a guy who is 130 pounds. Then again, I don't know a lot of guys who weigh 130 so maybe it was a chick. Then I guess he had reason to get his bully beatdown on.

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